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Women in Space Leadership Programme


Women in Space Leadership Programme aims to develop a women’s leadership framework to support institutions in strengthening their gender-inclusive practices and policies, specifically around space sciences and allied areas.


GS II: Government Policies and Interventions

Women in Space Leadership Programme:

  • Goal: This programme is designed to build a framework that promotes women’s leadership and enhances gender-inclusive practices, particularly in space sciences and related fields.
  • Leadership Development: It focuses on fostering leadership qualities among women in space sciences by providing a structured leadership model, with Coventry University as the delivery partner.
  • Key Objectives:
    • Encourage equitable leadership opportunities for women by recognizing their leadership potential.
    • Promote a supportive workplace culture for female leaders, guided by three core principles:
      • Intersectionality: Understanding the varied aspects of women’s identities.
      • Cultural Sensitivity: Approaching challenges in India through culturally responsive frameworks.
      • Leadership Theory: Utilizing theories from both social science and STEM to build female scientists’ confidence in their leadership roles.

UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI)

  • Introduction: Launched in 2006, UKIERI serves as a flagship collaboration between the UK and India, fostering partnerships in education and research.
  • Objective: The main aim is to strengthen collaboration in education and research between both nations to support their knowledge aspirations.
  • Phases: UKIERI has been implemented over three phases from 2006 to 2022, with the fourth phase launched in 2023.
  • Phase 4 Focus: This phase seeks to deepen the bilateral relationship by focusing on education, research, innovation, and addressing global challenges while promoting sustainable development.

September 2024