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For Enquiry

With reference to the religious history of India, consider the following statements:

With reference to the religious history of India, consider the following statements:

  1. Sautrantika and Sammitiya were the sects of Jainism.
  2. Sarvastivadin held that the constituents of phenomena were not wholly momentary, but existed forever in a latent form.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?(2017)

a) 1 only

b) 2 only

c) Both 1 and 2

d) Neither 1 and 2

Answer: B
Sautrantika and Sammitiya are sects of Buddhism.

Sarvastivada, (Sanskrit: “Doctrine That All Is Real”) also called Vaibhashika, a school of early Buddhism. A fundamental concept in Buddhist metaphysics is the assumption of the existence of dharmas, cosmic factors and events that combine momentarily under the influence of a person’s past deeds to form a person’s life flux, which he considers his personality and career.

January 2025