What should be chosen in service allocation is a big question for many UPSC aspirant during filling of DAF (detailed application form)

A successful candidate is then allocated a service and posting based on his/her preferences and rank in Civil service Exam result. The most sought after jobs are that of the IAS and the IPS with the former being the most chosen among aspirants. So, which is the better service – the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Police Service?
Final ranks for various posts in Civil service Exam (2015)
Services | General | OBC | SC | ST |
IAS | 96 | 446 | 595 | 620 |
IFS | 157 | 624 | 727 | |
IPS | 225 | 643 | 797 | 913 |
IRS (IT) | 329 | 706 | 900 | 919 |
IRS (C&CE) | 497 | 823 | 974 | 996 |
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