Our IAS Weekend Classroom Progarms to enhance your skills to crack IAS Exam with the best study materials, test series and highly qualified experts.
The Weekend classes (Prelims-cum-Mains course) is, as the name suggests, a programme providing essential coaching for the Preliminary and Mains stages of the UPSC Civil Services exam.
This course will provide a holistic approach in the preparation of the syllabus of the General Studies Papers I and II of UPSC CSE Prelims and the General Studies Papers I-IV of the UPSC CSE Main Examination along with the Essay Paper.
The Prelims-cum-Mains course will also include Interview Guidance (DAF Analysis, Mock Interviews, Personality Development sessions etc.).
The IAS Weekend batches are designed specifically for working professionals. Many professionals are unable to enrol in our institute’s regular batches due to the nature of their professions.
This programme is ideal for them because they just have to attend classes on weekends. They will receive printed notes, class notes, tests, and objective questions on the remaining days. To clear up any doubts, individual sessions with lecturers are also available.
Weekend Classes Timings & Duration
- Course Duration : 14 to 16 Months
- Days : Saturday & Sunday
- Time : Saturday: 10:00 AM to 5: 00 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 5:00 PM
Key Features of Legacy IAS Academy’s Prelims-cum-Mains UPSC Weekend Course

- The Prelims-cum-Mains course is tailored to accommodate classes till the commencement of your Mains Exam from the starting day of your batch – meticulously designed with the highest of emphasis on conceptual clarity.
- With the focus on accounting for every single micro-topic of the General Studies subjects and effectively spreading it across the batch duration to have maximum clarity and retention along with efficiency, the Prelims-cum-Mains course will be very supportive for a tension-free self-preparation of your optional subject.
- From the very beginning, there will be an emphasis on Analysis of the Syllabus and Previous years’ Questions to set up the right direction and prioritization for your preparation. The intricately planned Prelims-cum-Mains course structure allows for this effective approach to be implemented effortlessly.
- As you progress, just as in case of the Foundation Course, the Prelims-cum-Mains course will also provide you with a Daily Schedule that breaks up your preparation down to an hourly basis for imparting that EXTRA-INTENSIVE routine to effectively cover every nook and corner of the syllabus along with the understanding of importance levels.
- Our classes are made accessible through 3 modes –
- Offline Physical Classroom Sessions,
- Live and Interactive Online Sessions and
- Recorded Sessions.
- Our platform ensures that the Offline physical classroom sessions and the Online Interactive sessions run simultaneously to the effect that even in the situations, such as the ones exposed by the pandemic, where you are bound to to be absent in the classroom – you can attend the Live and Interactive Online sessions from anywhere without missing out on asking doubts and answering questions.
- In case you are unable to attend even the online sessions, recorded sessions will be provided WITHOUT any unreasonable caveats such as ‘deletion of recorded sessions within a few days’.
- Providing for you to be Consistent is our guarantee, and being Consistent will be your own guarantee for your success.
- Even the General Studies subjects covered under the Prelims-cum-Mains course are not immune to the various twists introduced by UPSC in every successive Civil Services Examination. From changing the weightage of marks allocated for different topics to changing the difficulty levels of questions from particular topics, UPSC constantly tweaks the GS papers in both the Prelims and Main examinations, making it the duty of every serious candidate to adapt to these changes and prepare to face the exam irrespective of the uncertainties.
- Legacy IAS Academy boasts of having capable and experienced faculty who are very well-versed with the dynamics of the UPSC Civil Services Exam and are abreast with the latest developments and even the diminutive changes in the pattern of the exam.
- We will also have special guest lectures and motivation sessions with our Alumni and other eminent officers.
- Legacy IAS Academy also guarantees the availability of faculty for guiding you and clearing your doubts, again, WITHOUT any unreasonable caveats such as “faculties will be available only on prior notice on particular days”.
- Comprehensive, Relevant and Updated Study Materials for each of the Static Subjects such as Indian Economy, Physical and Indian Geography, Indian Polity, Environment and Ecology and more, according to the syllabus of the General Studies Papers, will be provided from the institute to supplement your preparation.
- A student ONLY needs: ONE Standard Book, Legacy IAS Modules for and the Class Notes for each subject to prepare holistically for the exam.
- Daily Current Affairs Notes prepared from various newspapers such as The Hindu, Indian Express, Livemint, etc., will be provided along with Editorial Analysis and PIB Summaries of the government’s press releases on the Press Information Bureau website. A monthly compilation of the Current Affairs notes, Editorial Analysis, and PIB summaries will be provided as well.
- Along with the Static Subject Notes and Daily Current Affairs, you will also get Daily Quizzes based on Current affairs and Static subjects.
- To facilitate for a seamless and holistic preparation, the Prelims-cum-Main Course will include the Prelims and Mains Test Series encompassing of Tests with varying difficulties for the
- GS-I Paper of Prelims,
- GS-II (CSAT) paper of Prelims,
- Essay Paper of Mains, and
- GS-I, II, III and GS-IV (Ethics) papers of Main examinations.
- Class Tests on Weekends, Surprise tests, Daily Mains Answer Writing Practice (D-MAP) apart from the test series will be a part and parcel of your course to keep you on your toes and aware of your progress.
- The Prelims-cum-Mains course however, will NOT include the tests or classes for Optional Subjects.
- Each of our batches is limited to no more than 40 students to help towards the cause of providing individual attention.
- We do NOT believe in dividing our resources and increasing the number of students as it reduces the delivery efficiency and we can also understand the adverse effects of sitting in a classroom packed with over hundred students. Hence, we have a high faculty-to-student ratio in every batch to facilitate for effective mentoring of students during their preparation with sufficient individual attention and engagement in the classroom.
- The Interview round accounts for 275 marks out of a total of 2025 marks that are considered for the Final Ranking.
- Interview guidance is now included by Legacy IAS Academy as a part of the Prelims-cum-Mains course. As a part of the Interview Guidance Programme, we will be supporting you in:
- DAF Based Assessment by the Experts along with DAF discussion
- Personality Development sessions
- Mock Interviews and Feedback sessions
- Providing Home State and District specific Questionnaire and support for answers
- Providing Basic and Hobby-related Questionnaire and support for answers
- Guidance on Presentation of oneself and Navigation through Probable questions
- Guidance on Controlling the “direction” of the interview and Dodging controversial statements
- Covering Current Affairs for the Interview
How does Legacy IAS Academy’s Online + Offline classes work?
- At Legacy IAS Academy we employ our own online platform ( which was designed specifically for UPSC Civil Services Aspirants.
- The platform enables access to Live and Interactive classes from anywhere as long as you have a working internet connection.
- Each student will be provided with a secure access to the personalized platform and all the classroom content including presentations, PDFs and recorded videos will be available on the platform in an organized manner.
- The platform works effectively in supporting the projection of content in the offline physical classroom as well as displaying the chat box to the faculty taking the class. Hence, it directly broadcasts everything the faculty ‘writes on the board’ in the classroom to the live online class while also displaying the doubts asked by online students directly to the faculty.
- The platform also allows for recorded sessions to be made available throughout the course duration for a student missing out on attending the class in both offline and online modes. However, to ensure accountability and diligence, a student must provide for valid reasons to avail access to the recorded sessions.