UPSC Courses for CSE IAS 2022 | Legacy IAS Academy
Here you will find an overview of the Courses offered by Legacy IAS Academy for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. The flagship course is the “Foundation Course” which is prepared for the 2021 UPSC Civil Services Exam. You can find the Course Structures for each of the courses offered below.[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_tour style=”modern” color=”juicy-pink” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”Foundation Course” tab_id=”1579599922630-0e75b48b-0a07″][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]
The Foundation Course is Legacy IAS Academy’s flagship programme which provides a comprehensive classroom platform to holistically foster aspirants through all three primary stages of the UPSC Civil Services Exam, viz., Preliminary exam, Mains exam, and the Interview. This programme includes every segment of the syllabus in its entirety including CSAT, Essay, and Optional Subject enabling the candidate to achieve the pinnacle of their potential.
To improve the foundation in the static subjects, the subject content will be taught from basics, progressively moving on to advanced concepts. To develop presentation techniques in answer writing and enable fluidity, clarity and consistency in answer writing intuitively, daily mains answer writing practice will be a part and parcel of the course. Individual attention will be paid and regular counseling and motivational sessions will be conducted by expert mentors in order to maintain your enthusiasm throughout the course duration.
The preparation for the Optional subject is constructed to facilitate a candidate to attain maximum marks, with/without prior background in the subject by using detailed-analytical deconstruction of the subject syllabus and its previous question papers.
Course Features
Teaching value
- ~850 teaching hours.
- Teachers with expert domain knowledge (and at least 3 appearances in the Interview)
- Comprehensive coverage of both prelims and mains syllabus including Optional and CSAT.
- Systematic and well-framed subject sequence: at the topic-wise level.
- Focus on conceptual clarity and with the current.
Study Material
- Daily Current Affairs notes prepared indigenously from The Hindu, Indian Express, Mint, PIB, Business-standard, AIR, RSTV, LSTV, Yojana, Kurukshetra, etc., updated on a daily basis on the website and hard copy given on weekly basis.
- Static subjects notes prepared from various sources can be availed in a compiled format. Certain subjects that require regular updates can be availed topic-wise.
Core Features
- Daily answer writing practice.
- Topic-wise tests after their completion in the classroom.
- 24×7 availability of faculty for doubt clearance.
- Small batch size of 40 for improved individual attention.
- Newspaper analysis sessions.
- Essay writing sessions.
Additional Features
- Library facility for dedicated studies.
- Video recordings of classes to make up for missed classes.
- Additional sessions for examination support and motivation.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Prelims-cum-Mains” tab_id=”1579599922631-c422e383-9d53″][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]
Prelims-cum-Mains for 2020-21
The Prelims-cum-Mains course is, as the name suggests, a programme providing essential coaching for Preliminary and Mains stages of the UPSC Civil Services exam. This course will provide a holistic approach in the preparation of the syllabus of Prelims GS Paper I and Mains Papers I through IV of the UPSC Civil Services Exam by amalgamating Current Affairs with the static portions through every stage of the course.
To improve the foundation in the static subjects, the subject content will be taught from basics, progressively moving on to advanced concepts. To develop presentation techniques in answer writing and enable fluidity, clarity and consistency in answer writing intuitively, daily mains answer writing practice will be a part and parcel of the course. Individual attention will be paid and regular counseling and motivational sessions will be conducted by expert mentors in order to maintain your enthusiasm throughout the course duration.
Course Features
Teaching value
- ~650 teaching hours.
- Teachers with expert domain knowledge (and at least 3 appearances in the Interview)
- Comprehensive coverage of both prelims and mains syllabus.
- Systematic and well-framed subject sequence: at the topic-wise level.
- Focus on conceptual clarity and with the current.
Study Material
- Daily Current Affairs notes prepared indigenously from The Hindu, Indian Express, Mint, PIB, Business-standard, AIR, RSTV, LSTV, Yojana, Kurukshetra, etc., updated on a daily basis on the website and hard copy given on weekly basis.
- Static subjects notes prepared from various sources can be availed in a compiled format. Certain subjects that require regular updates can be availed topic-wise.
Core Features
- Daily answer writing practice.
- Topic-wise tests after their completion in the classroom.
- 24×7 availability of faculty for doubt clearance.
- Small batch size of 40 for improved individual attention.
- Newspaper analysis sessions.
Additional Features
- Library facility for dedicated studies.
- Video recordings of classes to make up for missed classes.
- Additional sessions for examination support and motivation.
Note: This course does NOT include Optional Subject, CSAT Preparation, and Essay Preparation.
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Optional Subject
The coaching programmes for Optional Subjects are designed to progressively increase the subject expertise on every step (from NCERTs to Advance levels). It is a meticulously designed plan to manage one’s preparation of GS subjects and keep one on track towards covering the optional syllabus extensively.
The course for Optional subject is constructed to facilitate a candidate to attain maximum marks, without much emphasis on the academic discipline of the candidate’s graduation in the subject, by using detailed-analytical deconstruction of the subject syllabus and its previous question papers.
- Duration of the Course: October 2020 to February 2021.
- Tests: There will be 5 Full length Tests along with Daily Answer writing practice.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Prelims” tab_id=”1579600113243-480356c1-c2aa”][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]
The Prelims Course is designed to focus completely on getting the students past the first stage of exam. It includes classes on core GS subjects and CSAT papers. It also includes Prelims Test series.
The course is aimed at aiding those students whose sole objective is to get past the prelims level. The obvious question then is: Why don’t they opt for a Foundation course? The reason is that they have already prepared for the entire exam but they are finding the prelims stage rather difficult to get through.
Contents of the Course:
1. Classes on GS subjects
2. Classes on English Comprehension, Mathematics, and Reasoning (CSAT)
3. Subjectwise Objective tests as a part of the test series
4. CSAT tests
5. Chapterwise classroom tests[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”CSAT” tab_id=”1579600794195-ce092509-30b4″][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]
This course is offered with a limited objective of getting the student past that 67 marks required in Prelims Paper II. The course has been started based on the demand by few aspirants who lagged in Mathematics or English Comprehension. The classes will focus just on these areas covering fundamentals and some tricks to solve the questions at a brisk pace.
This will not be a separate batch per se. Students of the existing Foundation Batch will also be a part. The course will start 2 months before the Preliminary examination every year. The Meticulously designed programme aims to prepare students for the UPSC CSAT Examination 2020 and 2021.
Constituents of classroom programme:
- Comprehensive coverage of all topics.
- 35+ hrs
- Course Design as per UPSC requirement.
- Comprehensive reference study Material.
- Classroom Tests
- Include Full Test Series (10 Full Syllabus Test of CSAT).
Why CSAT Paper (II) can’t be neglected?
Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) apparently easy, as one just needs 67 marks out of 200 to qualify it, has turned out to be a tough nut to crack. The qualifying nature of the paper has made many aspirants complacent, taking it lightly, and focusing only on Paper-I. However, this approach has resulted in aspirants failing to clear the Prelims Examination. Hence, CSAT despite being qualifying is important in the wake of recent trends and needs to be covered diligently to ensure a place in the UPSC Main examination.
What does CSAT Paper-II include?
The CSAT comprises the following broad topics:
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Essay” tab_id=”1579600369589-9c1103f0-1e5a”][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]
‘Essay Guidance Programme’ will aid the aspirants to excel in presentation skills. An essay is a piece of writing, outlining the writer’s perspective. Writing an essay is an arduous task unless you have an excellent command on structuring and presenting the content according to the demand of the topic. Legacy IAS provides you the best Essay guidance to maximize your score for UPSC CSE Main, eventually getting a place in UPSC ranklist.
Key Features:
- 4 Orientation Sessions.
- 8 Tests.
- Personalized one to one feedback by Mr. Sagar B A and Mr. Pavan Kant
- Comprehensive Test Discussions.
- Post-test analysis of each topic.
- Coverage of 45 most important topics for Mains.
- Time bound evaluation within 3 days.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”2 Years Integrated Course” tab_id=”1579600378982-0a92579b-c0bc”][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”3 Years Integrated Course” tab_id=”1579600384000-5f348678-8551″][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]
