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For Enquiry

Thinking Is Like A Game, It Does Not Begin Unless There As An Opposite Team


  • Setting the Stage: The essence of a challenging game lies in the strength of its opposition, mirroring the concept that profound thinking is birthed from opposing ideas.
  • Thesis Statement: From global innovations to the rich tapestry of Indian history and culture, opposition acts as the catalyst, refining thought processes and leading to progress.


1. Scientific Evolution:

  • Heliocentric vs. Geocentric: While globally, Copernicus faced resistance, in ancient India, astronomers like Aryabhata posited heliocentric models that faced their own set of challenges.
  • Ayurveda vs. Western Medicine: Traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, often finds itself in dialogue with modern Western medicine, pushing for integrative approaches to health.

2. Philosophical Dialogues:

  • Dialectical Method: Globally, philosophers like Hegel emphasized the synthesis from opposing ideas. In India, the debates at Nalanda University showcased the interplay between Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu philosophies.
  • Advaita vs. Dvaita: The Vedantic schools of Advaita (non-dualism) and Dvaita (dualism) present opposing views on the nature of the soul and the divine, enriching Indian spiritual discourse.

3. Artistic Expressions:

  • Renaissance vs. Medieval: While the West had its Renaissance, India had its Bhakti and Sufi movements, which, through poetry and music, challenged orthodox religious practices.
  • Bollywood: The Indian film industry, while influenced by Western storytelling, often contends with traditional Indian narratives, leading to a unique cinematic experience.

4. Social Reforms and Movements:

  • Women’s Rights: While the suffragettes were advocating in the West, in India, figures like Raja Ram Mohan Roy campaigned against practices like Sati, facing strong opposition.
  • Indian Independence: The struggle for freedom from British rule saw various factions, from Gandhian non-violence proponents to revolutionary activists, highlighting the role of opposing strategies in shaping the future of the nation.

5. Personal and Psychological Growth:

  • Cognitive Dissonance: Globally recognized, this psychological phenomenon is reflected in the Indian context of “Dharma Sankat” – a moral dilemma or conflict of duties.
  • Yoga and Meditation: While Western psychotherapy emphasizes talking cures, Indian traditions have long promoted introspection and meditation as ways to confront and harmonize inner conflicts.


  • Reiteration: The vigor of thinking, both globally and in the rich cultural and historical context of India, is accentuated when challenged by opposition.
  • Final Thought: Just as the churning of the ocean in ancient Indian myths produced treasures, the churning of opposing ideas, across contexts and cultures, produces profound thoughts and innovations.

October 2024