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For Enquiry

The Gandhi-Irwin Pact included which of the following?

The Gandhi-Irwin Pact included which of the following?

1.Invitation to Congress to participate in the Round Table Conference

2.Withdrawal of Ordinances promulgated in connection with the Civil Disobedience Movement

3.Acceptance of Gandhi’s suggestion for enquiry into police excesses

4.Release of only those prisoners who were not charged with violence

Select the correct answer using the code given below(2020)

a) 1 only

b) 1, 2 and 4 only

c) 3 only

d) 2, 3 and 4 only

UPSC declared this question as dropped

Lord Irwin, the Viceroy and Governor-General of India (1926-1931), on behalf of the British government, agreed with Mahatma Gandhi on the following:

  • immediate release of all political prisoners not convicted of violence;
  • remission of all fines not yet collected;
  • return of all lands not yet sold to third parties;
  • lenient treatment to those government servants who had resigned;
  • right to make salt in coastal villages for personal consumption (not for sale);
  • right to peaceful and non-aggressive picketing; and
  • withdrawal of emergency ordinances.

The viceroy, however, turned down two of Gandhi’s demands:

  • public inquiry into police excesses, and
  • commutation of death sentence of Bhagat Singh and his comrades’ to life sentence.

March 2025