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Report Highlights Money Laundering Threats to India’s Online Gaming Sector

Context: A report by the Digital India Foundation (DIF) has identified money laundering as a significant threat undermining the integrity and long-term success of the Indian online gaming industry. Relevance: GS II: Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: Key Findings from the Report on Money Laundering in Online Gaming Growth and Impact of the […]

About The Central Vigilance Commission

Context: CVC observes Vigilance Awareness Week 2024  with the theme “Culture of Integrity for Nation’s Prosperity with the administering of the integrity pledge to the officials of the Commission by the Commission  Relevance: GS II: Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: Central Vigilance Commission Functions of CVC Composition of Central Vigilance Commission The CVC is […]

Abetment of Suicide

Context: The Supreme Court said recently that police and courts must avoid “unnecessary prosecutions” in cases of abetment of suicide allegedly from the workplace. This was the case of a salesman who had seemed to take his life due to harassment by senior officers at his company. Relevance: GS II: Polity and Governance Dimensions of […]

Legal Developments in the Roop Kanwar Case and Sati Prevention

Context: In a recent development, eight persons have been cleared of the charges of illegal building temples in honor of Roop Kanwar that promotes the act of Sati. This is in relation to the occurrence of the Sati practice in question, which took place in Rajasthan state on September 4, 1987, and involved a woman […]

About Tele-MANAS

Context: The Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) has introduced the “TeleMANAS” (Tele Mental Health Assistance and Networking Across States) toll-free helpline, providing counseling services for individuals experiencing mental distress.  Relevance: GS II: Polity and Governance About Tele-MANAS: Tele-MANAS will be organised in two tier system; About MANAS: Aim:

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights

Context: The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has sought action against an app for allegedly disseminating explicit and objectionable material, including content targeted at children. Relevance: GS II: Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: About NCPCR Composition of NCPCR Functions the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR): The National Commission […]

NCBC recommends inclusion of 7 castes and sub-castes in OBC list

Context: The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) Wednesday recommended the inclusion of seven castes and sub-castes from the Maharashtra state in the Central list of Other Backward Classes (OBC). Relevance: GS II: Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: About Other Backward Class (OBC): Role of National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC): Constitutional Provisions: […]

Voter turnout in Haryana Assembly elections higher than Lok Sabha voting

Focus: GS II: Polity and Governance Why in News? A voter turnout of 67.9% has been recorded across the 90 Assembly Constituencies (ACs) in the Haryana Assembly Elections 2024. These figures are significantly higher voter response compared to last Lok Sabha elections which recorded 64.8% voting in the state.  Voting Stats: India has a large […]

About The Discipline Among Judges

Context: The Supreme Court recently expressed significant concerns regarding statements made by a judge from the Karnataka High Court. The intervention was later withdrawn following an apology from the judge in question. This incident has brought to light the constitutional challenges and limitations that the judiciary faces in disciplining its members, underscoring the delicate balance […]

 Supreme Court Limits Pretrial Detention Under PMLA

Context: The Supreme Court of India has recently issued a ruling against the misuse of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002, specifically critiquing its use to unjustly extend the incarceration of accused individuals. The court declared that constitutional courts would not sanction indefinite pretrial detention under this legislation, emphasizing the need for fairness […]