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About Op Sankalp

Focus: GS III- Security challenge Why in News? Indian Navy’s stealth Frigate, INS Talwar is presently deployed for Op Sankalp commemorating the 3rd continuous year of Indian Navy’s presence in the Gulf for protection of India’s Maritime Interests.  About Op Sankalp In the milieu of the deteriorating security situation in the Gulf region, post attacks […]

India-Indonesia CORPAT

Focus: GS III- Security Challenges Why in News?    The 38th India-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol (IND-INDO CORPAT) is being conducted in the Andaman Sea and Straits of Malacca. About India-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol: The two Navies have been carrying out CORPAT along their International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) since 2002. It highlights the mutual trust, synergy and cooperation between the two friendly Navies. India and Indonesia […]

Next-Generation Corvettes

Next-Generation Corvettes

Context: The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has given the Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for several capital acquisition projects of the Indian defence forces. This includes the procurement of next-generation Corvettes for the Indian Navy at an approximate cost of Rs 36,000 crore. Relevance: GS III- Internal Security Dimensions of the Article: What is a Corvette? […]

Ex Khaan Quest 2022

Focus: GS III- Security Challenges Why in News? A Multinational Peacekeeping exercise “Ex Khaan Quest 2022” featuring participation from military contingents from 16 countries has commenced in Mongolia . Details: Indian Army is represented by a contingent from the LADAKH SCOUTS. The 14 day exercise is aimed at enhancing interoperability, building military to military relationships, developing […]

About Exercise SAMPRITI

Focus: GS III- Security Challenges Why in News? As part of the ongoing India Bangladesh bilateral defence cooperation, a joint military training exercise Ex SAMPRITI-X is being conducted at Jashore Military Station in Bangladesh from 05 June to 16 June 2022. About Exercise SAMPRITI : Exercise SAMPRITI is an important bilateral defence cooperation endeavour conducted […]

Unlawful Activities Prevention Act 1967

Unlawful Activities Prevention Act 1967

Context: The Supreme Court recently put freeze on sedition proceedings under the Section 124A (sedition law) of the IPC for persons who have also been charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) of 1967 in the same case or separately. This freeze has rejected bails for some journalist and JNU activists who also face […]

Use of Statecraft for long-Term Solutions to Security Problems

Context In many countries, both the authorities and security agencies are beginning to acknowledge the importance of resorting to statecraft as a vital adjunct to the role played by the security agencies. Relevance GS-III: Security Challenges and their Management Dimensions of the Article The important role of Statecraft in Security Security issues in Various Regions […]

About Bongosagar

Focus: GS III- Security Challenges Why in News? The third edition of Indian Navy (IN) – Bangladesh Navy (BN) Bilateral Exercise ‘Bongosagar’ commenced at Port Mongla, Bangladesh . About Bongosagar  Exercise Bongosagar is aimed at developing a high degree of interoperability and joint operational skills through the conduct of a wide spectrum of maritime exercises […]

Project WARDEC – India’s Upcoming AI-powered Wargame Center

Context: The Army Training Command  signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Gandhinagar-based Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) to develop a ‘Wargame Research and Development Centre’ in New Delhi. The project, which has been given a prototype name ‘WARDEC’, will be a first-of-its-kind simulation-based training centre in India that will use artificial intelligence (AI) to design […]

About the Pegasus Project

About the Pegasus Project

Context: The Supreme Court has said its technical committee had so far received and tested 29 mobile devices suspected to be infected by Pegasus malware. Relevance: GS-III: Internal Security Challenges (Basics of Cyber Security; Role of media and social-networking sites in internal security challenges; Internal security challenges through communication networks), GS-II: Polity and Constitution (Constitutional […]