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The Sophisticated Anatomy Of Heat Waves

Context: Recently, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) warned that the maximum temperatures over northwest, west, and central India would be 3-5° C higher than the longterm average. Relevance: GS III- Environment (Climate change) Dimensions of the Article: What is a heat wave? Recent findings about Heat waves: How do heat waves occur and its Impacts? […]

Plans To Revive Adi Ganga

Context: Recently, plans to revive Adi Ganga (the original channel of River Ganga passing through the city of Kolkata) have been announced. Relevance: GS II: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: Issues and developments related to Adi Ganga Encroachment History: Current Status: About National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) The NMCG now has the […]

More Animals Less Forest Coverage

Context Relevance GS Paper-3: Biodiversity protection and related laws; Man-Animal Conflict; Animal Welfare Mains Question What are the main causes and effects of the increasing conflicts between humans and animals? Include some progressive solutions to these problems in your proposal as well. (250 Words) Key Points Human-Animal Conflict Conflict-related effects include Government actions Way Forward Conclusion […]

Crop Outlook is Positive, But Climate Challenges Exist

Despite the Center’s projection of a record output of 112 million tonnes this season, the rising February temperatures in some parts of western and north India have once again raised concerns over the wheat crop. Relevance GS Paper-3: Climate Change, Agriculture Cropping Pattern and issues related to it Mains Question Talk about the climatic requirements for […]

Climate Change May Green The Thar Desert

Context Relevance GS Paper-3: Climate Change and its impacts. Mains Question Describe the warm pool in the Indian Ocean. Analyze how the IOWP has affected the distribution of the monsoon in India. (150 Words) Highlights Although climate change has many negative effects, on the other hand, it might be good for the Thar desert. In the […]

About Harike wetland

Context According to the recent water bird census, the Harike wetland witnessed a decline in migratory birds’ arrival this year. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology About Harike wetland: -Source: The Hindu

A Bridge To A Cleaner Future – Natural Gas

Context Relevance: GS Paper-3: Climate Change, Energy and Environment Mains Question In line with the government’s goal of creating a gas-based economy, natural gas is well positioned to play a significant role in the energy transition. Evaluate. (150 Words) Key Highlights Natural Gas Star Program The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency established the Natural Gas STAR programme […]

About Sarus Crane

Context: According to the latest data from the forest department, the count of the Sarus Cranes has increased by 98 per cent from around 500 in 2015 to nearly 992 in 2022 in the wetlands of Matar Taluka in Kheda. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: About Sarus Crane: Distribution and […]

About Periyar Tiger Reserve

Context: A four-day bird survey conducted by the forest department has identified 231 species of birds in the Periyar Tiger Reserve, of which 11 species of birds were not recorded during the previous surveys. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: About Periyar Tiger Reserve: Wildlife: Vegetation: Local Communities: Rivers: About the […]

Non Permanent Membership Of UN Security Council

Context: Recently, India and Bangladesh agreed to support each other’s non-permanent membership at the UN Security Council. Relevance: GS-III: Environment and Ecology, GS-II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: United Nations Security Council Membership Functions and Powers of UNSC Under the United Nations Charter, the functions and powers of the Security Council are:  India’s Case […]