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Ganges River Dolphins

Context: A recent scientific publication titled “Rescuing Ganges river dolphins from irrigation canals in Uttar Pradesh, 2013-2020” has elucidated the comprehensive endeavors focused on the rescue and relocation of Gangetic river dolphins from precarious situations within the irrigation canals of the Ganga-Ghagra basin. Relevance: Prelims, GS-III: Environment and Ecology (Species in news, Conservation of Ecology and Environment) Dimensions of the Article: Ganges River […]

Aligning Higher Education with the United Nations SDGs

Context: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of 17 objectives and 169 targets unanimously embraced by all 193 UN member states, aiming for realization by 2030. These goals urgently demand coordinated efforts from both developed and developing nations to eradicate poverty, address socio-economic and environmental issues, and enhance quality of life and education. Relevance: Mains […]

Study on Illicit Trade of Tortoises and Turtles

Context: A study titled ‘From Pets to Plates’ sheds light on the illicit trade of tortoises and hard-shell turtles, carried out by experts from the Counter Wildlife Trafficking Programme of the Wildlife Conservation Society-India. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: Key Findings of the Report on Tortoise and Turtle Trafficking Tortoises […]

FAO Report on Methane Emissions

Context: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released a report titled “Methane Emissions in Livestock and Rice Systems” during the inaugural ‘Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation’ in September 2023. This report underscores the significant climate impact of methane emissions from livestock and rice paddies. It highlights the crucial role of reducing methane emissions in […]

Pardhis: The Traditional Custodians of Cheetahs

Context: Recently, cheetahs were reintroduced in Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, marking a major milestone for the $5 million translocation project. In this context, the ‘pardhis’ possess knowledge that has the potential to greatly augment the scope and efficiency of our conservation initiatives. Relevance: GS3- Environment- Conservation, Biodiversity Mains Question: Analyse the significance and risks associated […]

About The Staghorn coral

Context: A genome-wide survey of highly endangered staghorn coral in the Caribbean has identified 10 genomic regions associated with resilience against white band disease. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: Staghorn Coral Appearance Distribution Lifespan & Reproduction Threats White Band Disease -Source: The Hindu

Climate Change and Diseases- The Connection

Context: In its most recent report published this March, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issues a stark warning: climate change increases the global risk of infectious diseases. Relevance: GS3- Environment Mains Question: Climate change is leading to a global risk of infectious diseases. Analyse. Suggest some measures to break this cycle. (15 marks, 250 […]

Expertise Over Politics

Context: The Supreme Court’s decision not to intervene in the order issued by the Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA), which instructs Karnataka to release 5,000 cubic feet of water per second (cusecs) to Tamil Nadu until September 27, is a commendable move. The Supreme Court has wisely chosen to defer to the expertise of this specialized body […]

State of the Rhino 2023

Context: The International Rhino Foundation (IRF) has released the “State of the Rhino, 2023” report, which provides population estimates and trends for the five remaining rhino species in Africa and Asia. World Rhino Day is celebrated on September 22nd each year to raise awareness about these rhino species and conservation efforts, with its origins traced […]

About the Indian Skimmer

Context: The endangered Indian Skimmer was recently spotted along the Ghaghra River at Dudhwa Tiger Reserve. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: Indian Skimmer Family and Scientific Name Feeding Behavior and Nickname Habitat Distribution Physical Characteristics Diet Conservation Status About Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Location Components Rivers Vegetation Flora Fauna -Source: Indian […]