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BMI Trends and Gender-Wise Changes

Key Findings from NFHS (2019-21) Relevance : GS 2(Health) BMI Trends and Gender-Wise Changes Regional Trends Dietary Patterns Linked to Obesity Government Awareness & Call for Action

African Giant Pouched Rats as TB Detectors

TB in India: Challenges and Current Scenario Relevance :GS 2(Health) African Giant Pouched Rats as TB Detectors Disease Detection by Animals Potential in India Conclusion    

Why personal accident insurance is a lifeline

Context : Rising Accident Rates in India (2023-24) Relevance : GS 2(Health ) Why Personal Accident Insurance is Vital Key Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance Exclusions & Premium Factors Bottom Line:

The silent victims of cancer

Impact on Children: Relevance : GS 2((Health, Social Issues) Education Disruption: Indirect Costs of Cancer: Insurance & Government Schemes: Way Forward: Significance:

Challenges of malaria vaccination

Historical Context of Malaria Discovery Relevance : GS 2(Health) The Complexity of Malaria and Its Vaccine Development Immune Evasion by Plasmodium Challenges in Malaria Vaccine Development Underfunding of Malaria Vaccine Research Resurgence of Malaria Long-Term Outlook