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Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana

Focus: GS II- Government Policies and Interventions Why in News? Recently, Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) accomplishes  its successful second anniversary. About Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) was launched in 2020 to bring about Blue Revolution through the sustainable development of the fisheries sector over a period of five years (2020-2025). […]

Path To Intelligent And Precise Agriculture

Context The Green Revolution in India, which began in the 1960s, enabled the country to make significant strides in domestic food production and contributed significantly to progress in agriculture and allied sectors. It transformed India from a food-deficit country to an export-oriented country with a food surplus. In India, 70% of rural households still rely […]

Draft Amendment to the Legal Metrology

Context: The Department of Consumer Affairs, Legal Metrology Division has notified a draft amendment to the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011. Relevance: GS II: Government policies and Interventions Dimensions of the Article: Mandatory provisions under the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 What are the proposed amendments? Mandatory provisions under the Legal Metrology (Packaged […]

PM SHRI Schools

Focus: Government policies and Interventions Why in News? The Union Cabinet today, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, approved a new centrally sponsored scheme – PM SHRI Schools (PM ScHools for Rising India). About PM SHRI Schools: This will be a new centrally sponsored scheme for upgradation and development of more than 14,500 Schools across […]

Dilution of Lokayukta Powers in Kerala

Context: Recently, the Kerala Legislative Assembly passed the Kerala Lok Ayukta (Amendment) Bill, 2022 . Relevance: GS-II: Polity and Governance (Constitutional and Non-Constitutional Bodies, Policies and Interventions on Transparency and Accountability in governance) Dimensions of the Article: What are the Amendments? About Lokayukta About Lokpal Other Important Points regarding the Lokpal Exception for Prime Minister […]

PM-SHRI Yojana

Context On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, Prime Minister Modi announced a new scheme, the PM-SHRI Yojana, to develop 14,500 schools as model schools. The schools will have modern infrastructure such as labs, smart classrooms, libraries, and sports facilities. Relevance GS Paper – 2: Government Policies & Interventions, Education, Skill Development Mains Question he National […]

Sedition Law In India

Context: As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports, Assam recorded the most number of Sedition cases in the country in the last eight years. Relevance: GS III: Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: What are the Findings of the NCRB? What is Sedition? About Sedition law Criticism of Sedition What are the Findings […]

About Preventive Detention in India

Context: Preventive detentions in 2021 saw a rise by over 23.7% compared with the year before, with over 1.1 lakh people being placed under preventive detention, according to statistics released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Relevance: GS-II: Polity and Governance (Constitutional Provisions, Fundamental Rights), GS-II: Governance (Government Policies and Interventions) Dimensions of the […]

Ban On Conversion Therapy For the LGBTQIA+ Community

Context: The National Medical Commission (NMC), the apex regulatory body of medical professionals in India, has written to all State Medical Councils, banning conversion therapy and calling it a “professional misconduct”. Relevance: GS II: Government policies and Interventions Dimensions of the Article: What is conversion therapy? Role of the Madras High Court in the ban […]

PM SHRI Schools

Focus: Government policies and Interventions Why in News? On the occasion of National Teachers’ Day, the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced a new initiative – PM SHRI Schools (PM ScHools for Rising India). About PM SHRI Schools: This will be a new centrally sponsored scheme for upgradation and development of more than 14,500 Schools across the […]