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For Enquiry

 Suspected Khalistan Operatives Gunned Down in Uttar Pradesh


  • Three proKhalistan operatives involved in a grenade attack at the Bakshiwala police post (Punjab, Dec. 18) killed in an encounter in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh.
  • The operatives were linked to the Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF), a terror group associated with Pakistan’s ISI.

Relevance to GS 3 (Internal Security)

  • Details of the Encounter:
    • Encounter labeled as a breakthrough against KZF terror module by Punjab Police.
    • Recovered: Two AK-47 rifles and two 9mm Glock pistols from the deceased operatives.

Cross-Border Terrorism and International Links:

  • Suspected British Connection: Mastermind Jagjeet Singh, allegedly a British Army personnel, used the alias Fateh Singh Baghi, indicating international involvement in the attack.
  • Transnational Terror Network: The terror module is controlled by Pakistan-based Rajeet Singh Nita, with Greece-based Jaswinder Singh Mannu playing a significant role.
  • Role of Diaspora: The UK-based Jagjeet Singh’s involvement suggests the role of the diaspora in funding, radicalizing, and supporting terror activities.
  • Global Coordination: The KZF operates with cross-border support, including Pakistan, Greece, and the UK, indicating a well-coordinated and transnational operation.

Radicalization and Recruitment:

  • Socioeconomic Background: The operatives came from lower socioeconomic strata, with at least one having a criminal history, suggesting the exploitation of vulnerable youth for recruitment.
  • Radicalization Patterns: The involvement of individuals with criminal backgrounds in terror groups reflects the tendency of radical groups to recruit disillusioned and marginalized individuals.

Investigations and Future Actions:

  • Ongoing Investigation: Efforts are underway to investigate the broader terror network, focusing on logistics, financing, and potential collaborators.
    • Internal and External Threats: The operation highlights persistent threats from both domestic terror modules and international terror groups with foreign backing.

March 2025