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Ladakh To Have India’s First Dark Sky Reserve

Ladakh To Have India’s First Dark Sky Reserve

Context: Recently, Minister of State (Independent charge) for Science and Technology, announced that by the end of 2022, India will establish the country’s first Dark Sky Reserve in the cold desert regions of Ladakh. This facility will also promote astronomy-tourism Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: What is a Dark Sky […]

India’s First Dark Sky Reserve For Astronomy Tourism

Context By the end of 2022, India will have established the country’s first Dark Sky Reserve in Ladakh’s cold desert regions. The Minister of State (Independent charge) for Science and Technology recently announced this. A Dark Sky Reserve is public or private land with a distinguished nocturnal environment and starry nights that has been responsibly […]

What Is Cervavac?

Context: Union Minister of Science and Technology has announced the scientific completion of Cervavac, India’s first indigenously developed quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer. Relevance: GS III- Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: What is Cervavac? How effective is the new vaccine? What are the challenges? About Cervical cancer […]

About INS Vikrant

Focus: GS II: Science and Technology Why in News? The nation’s first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC-1) will be commissioned on September 2, the Indian Navy has announced. About INS Vikrant: Vikrant is the largest warship to have ever been built in India, and the first indigenously designed and built aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy. It puts India […]

Nuclear Matrix

Context: Using a novel method, a group of researchers from CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (CCMB) and Tata Institute for Genetics and Society, Bengaluru (TIGS), have established a way of studying the nuclear matrix of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) without removing the nucleus from the embryo. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology […]

Nova V1280 Scorpii

Nova V1280 Scorpii

Focus: GS III: Science and Technology Why in News? Scientists from SN Bose Centre for Basic Science (SNBCBS) observed the imploding novae called Nova V1280 Scorpii and found that a thick dust formed around it after a month and lasted for about 250 days. About Novae A nova is an astronomical occurrence in which a powerful explosion […]

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

Context: The James Webb Space Telescope, NASA’s latest and most powerful telescope, has captured new images of our solar system’s largest planet, Jupiter, presenting it in a never before seen light. The photographs published have captured a new view of the planet, presenting in detail its massive storms, colourful auroras, faint rings and two small […]

National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS)

National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS)

Context: The Union Home Minister has inaugurated the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS). In April this year, Madhya Pradesh became the first state in the country to identify a deceased person through NAFIS. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: What is NAFIS? How does it work? Is this the first […]

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus

Focus: GS-3 Science and Technology Why in News? Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh unveils India’s first truly indigenously developed Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus developed by KPIT-CSIR in Pune Details: The launch is in tune with India’s National Green Hydrogen Mission. About 12-14% CO2 emissions and particulate emissions come from diesel powered heavy commercial vehicles and […]

Findings of the Hayabusa-2 Probe

Context: Recently, In an article published in the journal Nature Astronomy, scientists from Japan suggest that water and organic materials might have been brought to our planet from the outer edges of the solar system. The scientists made the hypothesis after analysing samples from the asteroid Ryugu, collected by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) […]