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Fragile X Syndrome (FXS)

Context: To spread education and awareness among the general public about the ‘Fragile X Syndrome’, every year ‘World Fragile X Awareness Day’ is observed on July 22 across the globe. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: Fragile X Syndrome: Causes: Treatment: -Source: The Hindu

Issues With Genetically Modified Crops in India

Context Relevance GS Paper 3 – Science and Technology – Bio-technology Mains Question Examine the importance of the debates around GM mustard, Bt cotton, and Bt brinjal in India. A discussion of the GEAC’s (Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee) role in approving GM crops and the latest exception for genome-edited crops is required. Examine how this […]

About The BepiColombo Mission

Context: During a close Mercury flyby, the BepiColombo spacecraft collected data that showed how electrons raining down on the planet’s surface are triggering X-ray auroras. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: BepiColombo Mission: Exploring Mercury BepiColombo is a collaborative mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration […]

Impact of Welfare Schemes on Brain Development

Context: Recently, a study published in the journal Nature has shed light on the impact of welfare schemes on brain development, particularly in children from low-income families. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: Key Highlights of the Study: The Role of Anti-Poverty Policies: Impact on Brain Development: Future Implications and Limitations Implications for the Future Limitations to […]

Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

Context: A collaborative effort between doctors in Tamil Nadu and scientists in Japan has led to the development of a disease-modifying treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). The treatment involves the use of a food additive called beta-glucan, which is produced by a strain of yeast called Aureobasidium pullulans, specifically the N-163 strain. This breakthrough […]

About The Perseverance Rover

Context: Recently, the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Perseverance rover has discovered evidence of organic compounds in a Martian crater. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: Key Findings: Perseverance Rover: -Source: Indian Express

Phosphine at Deeper Level in Venus

Context: Recently, scientists have detected phosphine at deeper level in Venus’ atmosphere than before using the James Clark Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) at Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the article: Phosphine: Properties of Phosphine: Colorless, Flammable, and Toxic: Formation: Structural Similarity: Uses of Phosphine: Semiconductor and Plastics Industries: Phosphine finds […]

New Wheat Variety (PBW RS1)

Context: Recently, the Ludhiana-based institution has developed a new variety of wheat called PBW RS1. Relevance: GS III: Science Dimensions of the Article: PBW RS1: PBW RS1 is a variety of wheat known for its high amylose starch content, which contributes to its unique properties. Benefits of PBW RS1: Type 2 Diabetes: Glycemic Index: -Source: […]

Majorana Zero Modes: Potential Breakthrough for Quantum Computing

Context: Recently, researchers at Microsoft announced that they had figured out a way to create an elusive kind of particle that could potentially revolutionise quantum computing. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: Majorana Fermions and Majorana Zero Modes Majorana Fermions: Majorana Zero Modes: Advantages of Majorana Zero Modes in Computing: Topological Degeneracy: […]

About The Solar Flare

Context: Recently, an X-class solar flare was emitted by the Sun, causing disruptions in radio communications in certain areas. The flare has been classified as an X1.0 flare by NASA. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: About  Solar flares Classification: Categories of Solar Flares: X-class Flares (Big): M-class Flares (Medium-Sized): C-class […]