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Reang Tribe – Historical Background


The ethnic Reang community has demanded that Tripura declare a holiday on Hojagiri Day, which celebrates the traditional Hojagiri dance.


GS I: History

Reang Tribe

  • Known locally as “Bru,” the Reang tribe is the second-largest tribal community in Tripura, following the old Tripuri clan.
  • They are classified as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) in Tripura.
  • Besides Tripura, Reangs are also present in neighboring Mizoram and parts of Assam.
Historical Background
  • Originating from the Shan State in Upper Burma (now Myanmar), the Reangs migrated in various waves to the Chittagang Hill Tracts and subsequently to southern Tripura.
  • A distinct group migrated to Tripura via Assam and Mizoram in the 18th century.
  • Ethnicity and Language:
    • The Reangs belong to the Indo-Mongoloid racial stock.
    • Their language, Kaubru, influences the Kuki language and is part of the broader Kok-Borok dialect within the Tibeto-Burmese linguistic family.
Cultural and Social Structure
  • Clan Division: Ethnically divided into two major clans, Meska and Molsoi.
  • Governance: They maintain a rigid, well-ordered, and structured self-governing system.
  • Economic Practices:
    • Historically, they engaged in ‘Huk’ or Jhum cultivation, a form typical among Tripuri tribes, but have now transitioned to modern agricultural practices.
Religious Beliefs and Practices
  • Current Faith: The majority of Reangs in Tripura adhere to Hinduism, worshiping gods and goddesses similar to those in mainstream Hindu faith.
  • Deities: They worship several local deities, including Buraha, Bonirao, Songragma, Jampira, and Lampra.
Cultural Contributions
  • Hojagiri Folk Dance: The Hojagiri folk dance of the Reang clan has gained significant acclaim globally, showcasing their rich cultural heritage.

-Source: The Hindu


March 2025