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PIB Summaries 29 March 2023


  1. LaQshya Programme

LaQshya Programme

Focus: Welfare Schemes

Why in News?

Recently, the Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare informed Lok Sabha about the LaQshya Programme.

About LaQshya Programme:

  • LaQshya is a program that focuses on ensuring the quality of care during intrapartum and immediate post-partum periods in Labour Room and Maternity Operation Theatre.
  • It covers various healthcare facilities, including government medical college hospitals, district hospitals, and high case load CHCs, with the aim of reducing preventable maternal and newborn mortality, morbidity, and stillbirths.
  • The program targets a 5% or less Surgical Site Infection Rate in Maternity OT, with a minimum reduction of 30% from the baseline.
  • Compliance with the program’s requirements is verified by independent NQAS assessors at the time of LaQshya certification.
  • The program is under the purview of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.


Focus: Government Policies and Interventions

Why in News?

The Central Sector Scheme “SVAMITVA” aims to provide the ‘Record of Rights’ to village household owners possessing houses in inhabited areas  in villages.


  • SVAMITVA (Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas) scheme is a collaborative effort of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, State Panchayati Raj Departments, State Revenue Departments and Survey of India.
  • Aim: To provide an integrated property validation solution for rural India.
  • It is a scheme for mapping the land parcels in rural inhabited areas using drone technology and Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS).
  • The mapping will be done across the country in a phase-wise manner over a period of four years – from 2020 to 2024.
  • The scheme will help in streamlining planning and revenue collection in rural areas and ensuring clarity on property rights.
  • The scheme will enable creation of better-quality Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs), using the maps created under this programme.
  • The Gram Panchayats are constitutionally mandated for preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDP) for economic development and social justice.
  • The GPDP is based on a participatory process in convergence with schemes of all related Central Ministries/Line Departments related to 29 subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
  • Present Coverage Area: The program is currently being implemented in six states – Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

March 2025