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PIB Summaries 27 March 2023


  1. NIPUN
  2. ADIP Scheme


Focus: GS II- Government policies and Interventions

Why in News?

The National Initiative for Promoting Upskilling of Nirman workers (NIPUN) has recently completed its training program for construction workers engaged in the Central Vista project in New Delhi.

About NIPUN:

  • The project NIPUN is an initiative of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) under its flagship scheme of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM)
  • It will also facilitate and support convergence with related line ministries.
  • The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), the nodal agency under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India, will be the Implementation Partner for the project NIPUN.
  • It will provide trainees with ‘Kaushal Bima’, a three-year accidental insurance with coverage of INR 2 lakhs, digital skills such as cashless transactions and the BHIM app, orientation about entrepreneurship, and EPF and BOCW facilities.
  • A project committee with members from both NSDC and MoHUA will be formed under the chairmanship of the Additional Secretary-cum-Mission Director, DAY-NULM to oversee and monitor the project.
  • To train over 1 lakh construction workers, through fresh skilling and upskilling programmes and provides them with work opportunities in foreign countries also. 
  •  It will enable the construction workers to seek better job opportunities, increase their wages and even pursue overseas placements –   an indication of a new eco-system.
  • The project implementation is divided into three parts –
    • Training through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at construction sites,
    • Training through Fresh Skilling by Plumbing and Infrastructure SSC and
    • International Placement through industries/ builders/ contractors.
  • Under NIPUN, it is also envisaged that NSDC will place approximately 12,000 people in foreign countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE and other GCC countries.
  • It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, being implemented since 2014-15,
  • Aim:  To reduce poverty and vulnerability of urban poor households in the country by enabling them to access self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis.

ADIP Scheme

Focus: Government policies and Interventions

Why in News?

Samajik Adhikarita Shivir’ for distribution of aids and assistive devices to ‘Divyangjan’ under the ADIP Scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India organized  distribution camps across the country in 17 locations covering 9 States under for providing various types of aids and assistive devices to more than 13500 Divyangjan.

ADIP Scheme- the Assistance to Disabled persons for purchasing/fitting of aids/appliances (ADIP) scheme:

Nodal: Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.

  • Objective: to assist the needy disabled persons in procuring durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modern, standard aids and appliances that can promote their physical, social and psychological rehabilitation, by reducing the effects of disabilities and enhance their economic potential.
  • The aids and appliances supplied under the Scheme shall conform to BIS specifications to the extent possible.
  • The aim is to promote physical, social, psychological rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities by reducing the effects of disabilities and at the same time enhance their economic potential.
  • Grant-in-aid under the Scheme will Not be given for commercial supply of aids/appliances.
  • Implementation: The scheme is implemented through implementing agencies such as NGOs, National Institutes under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and ALIMCO (a PSU that manufactures artificial limbs).

The following agencies would be eligible to implement the Scheme on behalf of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, subject to fulfillment of laid down terms and conditions:

  • Societies, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and their branches, if any, separately.
  • Registered charitable trusts
  • District Rural Development Agencies, Indian Red Cross Societies and other Autonomous Bodies headed by District Collector/Chief Executive Officer/District Development Officer of Zilla Parishad.
  • National/Apex Institutes including ALIMCO functioning under administrative control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
  • State Handicapped Development Corporations.
  • Local Bodies- Zilla Parishad, Municipalities, District Autonomous Development Councils and Panchayats.
  • Hospitals registered as separate entity, as recommended by state/central government
  • Nehru Yuvak Kendras.
  • He/she should be an Indian citizen of any age.
  • Should be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner that he/she is disabled and fit to use prescribed aid/appliance. Holds a 40% Disablement Certificate.
  • Person who is employed/self-employed or getting pension and whose monthly income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 20,000/- per month.
  • In case of dependents, the income of parents/guardians should not exceed Rs. 20,000/- per month.
  • Persons who have not received assistance from the Government, local bodies and Non-Official Organisations during the last 3 years for the same purpose. However, for children below 12 years of age this limit would be 1 year.

Aids/appliances which do not cost more than Rs. 10,000/ – are covered under the Scheme for single disability. However, in the case of SwDs, students beyond IX class, the limit would be raised to Rs.12,000/.

March 2025