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PIB Summaries 25 November 2024

  1. Compressed Biogas
  2. Jobs at Your Doorstep Report


India’s first modern, self-sufficient gaushala with a state-of-the-art Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant was launched in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh.


GS III: Energy

Overview of Compressed Biogas (CBG)

  • Compressed Biogas primarily consists of methane and is a mixture of various hydrocarbon gases.
  • It is produced through the anaerobic decomposition of organic materials such as animal and plant waste. The resultant biogas is then purified and compressed for practical applications.
Applications and Benefits:
  • Similarity to CNG: CBG possesses a calorific value and other properties akin to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), making it a suitable alternative as a green, renewable automotive fuel.
  • Substitute for CNG: Given the abundant availability of biomass in the country, CBG can effectively replace CNG in automotive, industrial, and commercial sectors.
Commercial Scale Benefits:
  • Reduction in Imports: Utilizing CBG can decrease the import dependency on natural gas and crude oil, promoting energy self-sufficiency.
  • Waste to Wealth: The conversion of agricultural residues, cattle dung, and municipal solid waste (MSW) into CBG can significantly reduce emissions and pollution, transforming waste into a valuable resource.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: This conversion supports national commitments to climate change goals by lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Economic and Social Benefits: The production of CBG can provide additional revenue sources for farmers, create rural employment opportunities, and improve the rural economy.
  • Energy Security: Producing CBG locally provides a buffer against the volatility in crude oil and gas prices, enhancing national energy security.
  • Support for Swachh Bharat Mission: CBG production aligns with the Swachh Bharat Mission by promoting responsible waste management and contributing to cleaner environments.


Recently, the Union Minister for Education along with the Minister of Labour and Employment and Youth Affairs launched a World Bank’s report titled Jobs at Your Doorstep: A Jobs Diagnostics for Young People in Six States, at an event in New Delhi.


GS II: Government policies and Interventions

Jobs at Your Doorstep Report

Purpose and Scope:

  • Diagnostic and Roadmap Tool: The “Jobs at Your Doorstep” report functions as both a diagnostic tool and a roadmap, aiming to create strategic linkages between education and India’s employment objectives.
  • Focus on Six States: The report delves into the job landscape of six Indian states—Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Rajasthan. It identifies key sectors and roles with high employment potential for young individuals graduating from secondary schools.

Key Findings and Strategies:

  • Skills Gap Analysis: The report conducts a skills gap analysis to align the educational trades offered in schools with the industry-specific needs of the districts where these schools are located.
  • Skill-Based Education Promotion: It emphasizes the substantial benefits of integrating skill-based education from classes 9 to 12, preparing students for diverse career paths using a bottom-up approach.

Research and Implementation:

  • Research-Driven Approach: Initiated to reimagine skill education, the study is based on comprehensive primary and secondary research across the six STARS states.

About the STARS Scheme

Implementation and Support:

  • Duration and Management: The STARS scheme was activated in 2021 and is set to continue through the fiscal year 2024-25. It falls under the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, with financial backing from the World Bank.
  • Target States: Implementation is focused on the same six states mentioned in the report—Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Kerala. These states receive support for various interventions aimed at enhancing the quality of education.
  • Origin and Focus: The STARS project is derived from the Samagra Shiksha initiative but focuses specifically on components of the scheme that most directly bolster school education quality.

March 2025