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PIB Summaries 22 April 2023


  1. PM Gati Shakti
  2. Sangathan se Samriddhi: DAY-NRLM
  3. Global Buddhist Summit 2023

PM Gati Shakti

Focus: GS II- Welfare schemes

Why in News?

The Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration, 2022, in the category ‘Innovation-Central’ was conferred by the Prime Minister, to the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) at the 16th Civil Services Day Celebration for the successful implementation of the prestigious ‘PM GatiShakti National Master Plan’ programme.

About PM Gati Shakti:

  • It will incorporate the infrastructure schemes of various Ministries and State Governments like Bharatmala, Sagarmala, inland waterways, dry/land ports, UDAN etc.
  • Economic Zones like textile clusters, pharmaceutical clusters, defence corridors, electronic parks, industrial corridors, fishing clusters, agri zones will be covered to improve connectivity & make Indian businesses more competitive.
  • It will also leverage technology extensively including spatial planning tools with ISRO imagery
  • developed by BiSAG-N (Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geoinformatics).    
  • The multi-modal connectivity will provide integrated and seamless connectivity for movement of people, goods and services from one mode of transport to another.
  • It will facilitate the last mile connectivity of infrastructure and also reduce travel time for people.
  • PM GatiShakti will provide the public and business community information regarding the upcoming connectivity projects, other business hubs, industrial areas and surrounding environment.
  • This will enable the investors to plan their businesses at suitable locations leading to enhanced synergies.
  • It will create multiple employment opportunities and give a boost to the economy.
  • It will improve the global competitiveness of local products by cutting down the logistics costs and improving the supply chains, and also ensure proper linkages for local industry & consumers.
PM GatiShakti is based on six pillars:

1. Comprehensiveness: It will include all the existing and planned initiatives of various Ministries and Departments with one centralized portal. Each and every Department will now have visibility of each other’s activities providing critical data while planning & execution of projects in a comprehensive manner.

2. Prioritization: Through this, different Departments will be able to prioritize their projects through cross–sectoral interactions.

3. Optimization: The National Master Plan will assist different ministries in planning for projects after identification of critical gaps. For the transportation of the goods from one place to another, the plan will help in selecting the most optimum route in terms of time and cost.

4. Synchronization: Individual Ministries and Departments often work in silos. There is lack of coordination in planning and implementation of the project resulting in delays. PM GatiShakti will help in synchronizing the activities of each department, as well as of different layers of governance, in a holistic manner by ensuring coordination of work between them.

5. Analytical: The plan will provide the entire data at one place with GIS based spatial planning and analytical tools having 200+ layers, enabling better visibility to the executing agency.

6. Dynamic: All Ministries and Departments will now be able to visualize, review and monitor the progress of cross-sectoral projects, through the GIS platform, as the satellite imagery will give on-ground progress periodically and progress of the projects will be updated on a regular basis on the portal. It will help in identifying the vital interventions for enhancing and updating the master plan.

Sangathan se Samriddhi: DAY-NRLM

Focus: GS II: Government Policies and Interventions

Why in News?

Recently, the Ministry of Rural Development’s Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) launched a national campaign called “Sangathan Se Samridhhi– Leaving no Rural Woman Behind”, aiming to mobilize a significant number of women into Self Help Groups (SHGs).

What is the Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign?

  • The Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign is a national campaign launched as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Samaveshi Vikaas program.
  • The campaign’s primary objective is to mobilize 10 crore women from eligible rural households into Self Help Groups (SHGs).
  • The campaign aims to target disadvantaged rural communities who are unaware of the benefits of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) program.
Key Features of the Campaign:

The campaign will be organized in all states and form more than 1.1 lakh SHGs through various interventions like organizing general body meetings of village organizations, experience sharing by SHG champions to motivate left-out households to join SHGs, conducting community resource person drives, opening SHG bank accounts, and creation of a common database of SHGs promoted by other stakeholders.

Why is such a Campaign Needed?
  • India’s rural population accounts for 65% of its total population, and it is essential to provide women from these areas with opportunities to enable them to contribute significantly to making India a 5 trillion dollar economy.
  • When women in such a significant number become part of SHGs, it will automatically have a considerable effect on the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • The campaign’s goal is to ensure that rural women are empowered through SHGs, providing them with a platform to access credit, gain financial literacy, and improve their livelihoods.

About Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission:

  • It is a centrally sponsored programme, launched by the Ministry of Rural Development in June 2011.
  • To eliminate rural poverty through the promotion of multiple livelihoods and improved access to financial services for the rural poor households across the country.
  • To reach out to all rural poor households and impact their livelihoods.

The objective of the Mission is to promote sustainable livelihoods for the poor such that they come out of poverty. The institutions of the poor are intended to facilitate

  • access to formal credit;
  • support for diversification and strengthening of livelihoods;
  • and access to entitlements and public services.
  • It involves working with community institutions through community professionals in the spirit of self-help which is a unique proposition of DAY-NRLM.
  • It impacts the livelihoods through universal social mobilization by inter alia organising one-woman member from each rural poor household into Self Help Groups (SHGs), their training and capacity building, facilitating their micro-livelihoods plans, and enabling them to implement their livelihoods plans through accessing financial resources from their own institutions and the banks.
  • It is implemented in a Mission mode by special purpose vehicles (autonomous state societies) with dedicated implementation support units at the national, state, district and block levels, using professional human resources in order to provide continuous and long-term handholding support to each rural poor family.

Global Buddhist Summit 2023

Focus: Facts for Prelims

Why in News?

Recently, the Ministry of Culture in partnership with International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) has organized the 1st Global Buddhist Summit 2023, which aims to enhance cultural and diplomatic relations with other countries.

Global Buddhist Summit 2023

  • The Global Buddhist Summit 2023 was attended by Buddhist monks, scholars, and Dharma practitioners from different countries.
  • 173 international participants including 84 Sangha members
  • 151 Indian delegates including 46 Sangha members, 40 nuns, and 65 laity from outside Delhi

Theme and Sub-Themes:

Theme: Responses to Contemporary Challenges: Philosophy to Praxis


  • Buddha Dhamma and Peace
  • Buddha Dhamma: Environmental Crisis, Health and Sustainability
  • Preservation of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition
  • Buddha Dhamma Pilgrimage, Living heritage and Buddha Relics: a resilient foundation to India’s centuries-old cultural links to countries in South, Southeast, and East Asia.
  • To discuss contemporary global issues and find answers in Buddha Dhamma based on universal values.
  • To create a forum for lay Buddhist scholars and Dharma Masters.
  • To explore Buddha’s message for Peace, Compassion, and Harmony to work towards Universal Peace and Harmony in accordance with the core values of Dharma.
  • To produce a document for further academic research and study its viability as a tool for conducting international relations on a global scale.
Significance for India:
  • The summit highlights the importance and significance of India in Buddhism as it is the birthplace of Buddhism.
  • The summit provides a platform to strengthen cultural and diplomatic relations with other countries that embrace Buddhist ethos.

About International Buddhist Confederation:

  • The International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) is a global Buddhist organization headquartered in Delhi, India.
  • It was established in 2011 after the Global Buddhist Congregation (GBC) held in New Delhi.
  • The main purpose of the IBC is to provide a platform for Buddhists worldwide to preserve heritage, share knowledge, promote values, and have a united front in the global discourse.
  • The IBC is the biggest religious Buddhist confederation, representing a united front for Buddhism to have meaningful participation in the global stage.

March 2025