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PIB Summaries 18 March 2023


  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Sector
  2. Sagar Parikrama Initiative

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Sector

Focus: GS II- Health

Why in News?

Ministry of Health has also recently designated AIIMS Delhi, PGIMER Chandigarh and AIIMS Rishikesh as Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence with an aim to promote creation and use of AI based solutions in Health.

About Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM):

  • Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission will help connect digital health solutions across the country.
  • All Indians will get a digital health ID under this scheme.
  • The mission aims to create a platform enabling interoperability of health data within the health ecosystem so as to create longitudinal Electronic Health Record (EHR) of every citizen.
  • Every citizen’s health record will now be digitally secure.
  • The health ID will be used as health account.
  • Personal health records can be linked to this account and viewed with the help of a mobile application.
  • Further it will integrate cutting edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, IoTs, blockchain etc. with existing health IT applications as per need for improving the performance of the health services.
  • Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission will provide reliable data, leading to better treatment and savings for patients too.
  • The National Health Authority (NHA) will be the implementing agency of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM).

Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY)

  • Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) is the flagship scheme of the Union government as a part of the Indian government’s National Health Policy.
  • AB-PMJAY provides a health cover of up to Rs. 5 lakh a family a year, for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization, to India’s bottom 40% poor and vulnerable population.
  • The programme was launched in September, 2018.
  • AB-PMJAY is under the aegis of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
  • The PM Jan Arogya Yojana beneficiaries get an e-card that can be used to avail services at an empanelled hospital, public or private, anywhere in the country, with which they can walk into a hospital and obtain cashless treatment.
  • The scheme has certain pre-conditions by which it picks who can avail of the health cover benefit. While in the rural areas the list is mostly categorized on lack of housing, meagre income and other deprivations, the urban list of PMJAY beneficiaries is drawn up on the basis of occupation.

Key Features of AB-PMJAY

  • PM-JAY is a health assurance scheme that covers 10.74 crores households across India or approximately 50 crore Indians.
  • It provides a cover of 5 lakh per family per year for medical treatment in empanelled hospitals, both public and private.
  • It provides cashless and paperless service to its beneficiaries at the point of service, i.e., the hospital.
  • E-cards are provided to the eligible beneficiaries based on the deprivation and occupational criteria of Socio-Economic Caste Census 2011 (SECC 2011).
  • There is no restriction on family size, age or gender.
  • All previous medical conditions are covered under the scheme.
  • It covers 3 days of hospitalisation and 15 days of post hospitalisation, including diagnostic care and expenses on medicines.
  • The scheme is portable and a beneficiary can avail medical treatment at any PM-JAY empanelled hospital outside their state and anywhere in the country.
  • The Central government has decided to provide free testing and treatment of Coronavirus under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana.

Sagar Parikrama Initiative


GS II: Food Security, Government Policies & Interventions, Economics of Animal-Rearing

Why in News?

Phase-IV of ‘Sagar Parikrama’ in the state of Karnataka will take place for two days ; covering the stretch of Uttar Kannada on 18th March 2023 and on 19th March 2023 Udupi followed by Dakshan Kannada.

About Sagar Parikrama:

  • It is an initiative aiming to resolve the issues of fishermen and other stakeholders. It facilitates their economic upliftment through various schemes and programs being implemented by the Government of India.
  • It is envisioned as a part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava’ saluting our great freedom fighters, sailors and fishers.
  • It would enable the Government in devising better policy for improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people of the coastal community.
  • The journey of Sagar Parikrama shall focus on the sustainable balance between the utilization of marine fisheries resources for the food security of the nation and livelihoods of coastal fisher communities and the protection of marine ecosystems, to bridge the various gaps of fisher communities, development of fishing villages, upgradation and creation of infrastructure such as fishing harbours & fish landing centres to ensure sustainable and responsible development through an ecosystem approach.
  • Phase-IV of ‘Sagar Parikrama’ will cover an overall 10 locations in 3 coastal districts.

March 2025