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PIB Summaries 17 December 2022


  1. Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund(PMNRF)
  2. Social Progress Index (SPI) Report

 Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF)

Focus: Welfare schemes for vulnerable Sections

Why in News?

The Prime Ministe has announced ex-gratia of Rs. 2 lakh from PMNRF to be given to the next of kin of each deceased and Rs. 50,000 for those injured in the tragic cylinder mishap in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. 

About Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund(PMNRF)

  • Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) in India is the fund raised to provide support for people affected by natural and man made disasters.
  • Natural disasters covered under this include flood, cyclone, earthquake etc. Man made disasters include major accidents, acid attacks, riots etc.
  • The fund is also allotted to the people for treatment like cancer, kidney transplantation, heart surgery etc.
  • The fund was first consolidated during the time of the first prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru.

Difference between PMCARES and PMNRF in the below table;-

PMNRF (Prime Minister National Relief Fund)PM CARES Fund [Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund]
PMNRF (Prime Minister National Relief Fund) was established in January 1948.PM CARES Fund was established on 27th March 2020.
PMNRF was established by the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru.The PM CARES Fund was established by the current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.
The initial purpose of establishing PMNRF (Prime Minister National Relief Fund) was to help the people displaced due to partition of India and Pakistan.The PM CARES fund was established with the objective of helping people affected by COVID-19 pandemic.
Chairman of the Prime Minister National Relief Fund (PMNRF) is the Prime Minister of India. Other members are from Tata Trusts, representatives of FICCI, Congress President.Chairman of the PM-CARES fund is the Prime Minister of India. The Prime Minister has the power to nominate members. The other members of the PM CARES Fund are the Defence Minister, Home Minister and Finance Minister.
The minimum amount one can donate in the Prime Minister National Relief Fund (PMNRF) is Rs 100.PM CARES Fund allows option for Micro donation, one can donate as low as Rs 10 in the PM CARES Fund.
PMNRF focuses on all kinds of natural disasters and calamities like Cyclones, Earthquakes, Floods, Tsunamis etc. The PMNRF funds are also utilized for acid attack victims, cancer treatments, kidney transplants etc.PM CARES fund is exclusively used for COVID-19 purposes.
The Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF), which was set up in 1948, is not audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)CARES Fund is not being audited by the CAG, and is being audited by a private party appointed directly by the Government of India instead.

Social Progress Index (SPI) Report

Focus: GS II: Polity and Governance

Why in News?

Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister (EAC-PM) will release the Social Progress Index (SPI) for states and districts of India on December 20, 2022.

Social Progress Index (SPI) Report

  • SPI is a broad tool designed to provide a thorough assessment of the social progress the nation has made at the national and sub-national levels.
  • The Social Progress Imperative, led by Michael Green, and the Institute for Competitiveness, under the direction of Dr. Amit Kapoor, prepared the report.
  • It was mandated by Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India.
  • The report attempts to present a systematic assessment of the social progress made in the nation at all levels, with state and district-level rankings and scorecards.
  • The paper also discusses the accomplishments of the districts that scored highly on the index and how states contribute to societal advancement.
  • An examination of India’s Aspirational Districts is presented in a separate section of the report, which helps readers gain a deeper knowledge of socioeconomic advancement at the local level.
  • For policymakers to achieve sustained socio-economic growth in the upcoming years, the study will be a vital facilitator and tool.

Components of SPI

  • Basic Human Needs: It assesses the performance of states and districts in terms of Nutrition and Basic Medical Care, Water and Sanitation, Personal Safety and Shelter.
  • Foundations of Wellbeing: It evaluates the progress made by the country across the components of Access to Basic Knowledge, Access to Information and Communication, Health and Wellness, and Environmental Quality.
  • Opportunity: It focuses on aspects of Personal Rights, Personal Freedom and Choice, Inclusiveness, and Access to Advanced Education.

March 2025