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PIB Summaries 15 February 2022


  1. Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Textiles
  2. Medaram Jathara

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Textiles

Focus: GS III- Indian Economy

Why in News?

Ministry of Textiles has  further  extended  the timeline for submission of applications under the PLI Scheme for Textiles till 28.02.2022. 

Significance of Textile Sector in India

  • The Textile Sector accounts for 7% of India’s manufacturing output, 2% of GDP, 12% of exports and employs directly and indirectly about 10 crore people.
  • Owing to the abundant supply of raw material and labour, India is the largest producer of cotton (accounting for 25% of the global output) and second-largest producer of textiles and garments and man-made fibres (polyester and viscose).
  • The availability of a strong domestic market in India is a major reason that increases the importance of the sector.
Indias Textile Market size | PIB Summaries 15 February 2022

About the PLIS Scheme for textiles sectors

  • The Union Cabinet has cleared an outlay of Rs. 10,683 crore on a production linked incentive scheme in the man-made fibre apparel, fabrics, and technical textiles sectors, and it could help draw new investment of more than Rs. 19,000 crore.
  • In order to boost domestic manufacturing and cut down on import bills, the union government in March 2020 introduced a PLI scheme that aims to give companies incentives on incremental sales from products manufactured in domestic units.
  • Apart from inviting foreign companies to set shop in India, the scheme also aims to encourage local companies to set up or expand existing manufacturing units.
  • The Scheme has also been approved for sectors such as automobiles, pharmaceuticals, IT hardware including laptops, mobile phones & telecom equipment, white goods, chemical cells, food processing, etc.
  • Aims to promote the production of high value Man-Made Fibre (MMF) fabrics, garments and technical textiles.
  • Incentives worth Rs 10,683 crore will be provided on production to the sector over a span for 5 years.
  • Incentives to eligible producers in two phases:
    • First: Any person or company willing to invest a minimum of Rs 300 crore in plant, machinery, equipment and civil works (excluding land and administrative building cost) to produce products of MMF fabrics, garments and products of technical textiles will be eligible to participate.
    • Second: Investors willing to spend a minimum of Rs 100 crore under the same conditions (as in the case of the first phase) shall be eligible to apply.

Expected Benefits

  • The scheme could aid in the creation of 7.5 lakh direct jobs. The textile sector is an employment intensive sector and the investment in the textile sector would have a multiplier effect on the Indian economy especially in job creation.
  • Two-thirds of India’s textile exports now are cotton-based whereas 66-70% of world trade in textiles and apparel is MMF-based and technical textiles. The PLI incentives aim to boost investment in new capacities in man-made fibre (MMF) apparel, MMF fabrics, and 10 segments or products of technical textiles.
  • India’s focus on the manufacture of textiles in the MMF sector is expected to help boost its ability to compete globally in the textiles market.
  • Given that priority would be given for investment in aspirational districts, tier-three, tier-four towns and rural areas, the new scheme would promote balanced regional development.
  • The textiles industry predominantly employs women, therefore, the scheme will empower women and increase their participation in the formal economy.
  • In addition, priority will be given for investment in Aspirational Districts, Tier 3, Tier 4 towns, and rural areas and due to this priority, Industry will be incentivized to move to backward areas. This scheme will positively impact especially States like Gujarat, UP, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, AP, Telangana, Odisha etc.

Medaram Jathara

Focus: GS I- Festivals

Why in News?

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has sanctioned ₹2.26 Crores for various activities pertaining to Medaram Jathara 2022.

About Medaram Jatara

  • Medaram Jatara is the second-largest fair of India, after the Kumbh Mela,
  • It is celebrated by the second-largest Tribal Community of Telangana- the Koya tribe for four days.
  • This year it is being celebrated from 16th-19th February, 2022.
  • Considering the footfall of the festival and its auspicious significance, the Jathara was declared a State Festival in 1996.
  • Under the AzadiKa Amrit Mahotsav, the Government of India has announced that tribal culture and heritage will be the cynosure of 2022. Medaram Jathara is conducted in honour of the Goddesses Sammakka and Saralamma.
  • It is celebrated once in two years in the month of “Magha” (February) on the full moon day.
  • Several Scheduled Tribes of different villages assemble there, and lakhs of pilgrims visit the Mulugu District to celebrate the festival with full gusto.
  • At present, the Jathara festival is biennially celebrated and organized by the Koyas in collaboration with the Tribal Welfare Department, Government of Telangana.
  • The four days’ Medaram Jathara is the most auspicious event for the lakhs of devotees who wait for two long years to behold such a rare occasion.
  • The Ministry of Tribal Affairs’ continuous support of this festival aims to generate awareness and a harmonious bond between the visitors and the Tribal communities of Telangana.
  • Moreover, it assists the tribals to preserve their unique Tribal Traditions, Culture and Heritage and promote their tribal History on a global scale. It is also an embodiment of the spirit of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat.

March 2025