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PIB Summaries 15 December 2022


  1. National Energy Conservation Day
  2. KAZIND-21

National Energy Conservation Day

Focus: GS III: Environment and Ecology

Why in News?

National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated every year on 14th December 2022.

About Energy Conservation Day

  • The National Energy Conservation Day is organized on 14th December every year by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) with an aim to showcase India’s achievements in energy efficiency and conservation.
  • The first time the awards were given away was on 14th December, 1991.
  • Since then, the day has been declared as National Energy Conservation Day.
  • These awards are given away by eminent dignitaries at a function organised every year on the same day.
  • The day focuses on making people aware of global warming and climate change and promotes efforts towards saving energy resources. It also highlights the achievements of the country in the fields of energy efficiency and conservation.

Click Here To Read More: National Energy Conservation Day


Focus: GS III-Defence

Why in News?

The 6th Edition of Indo – Kazakhstan joint training exercise “KAZIND-22” is scheduled to be conducted at Umroi (Meghalaya)

About KAZIND-22

  • The exercise is a joint training between both the Armies, which will boost the bilateral relations between India and Kazakhstan.
  • Aim of the exercise is to build positive military relations, imbibe each other’s best practices and promote the ability to operate together while undertaking counter terrorist operations in semi urban / jungle scenario, under a UN peace enforcement mandate. 
  • This joint exercise will enable the two armies to train, plan and execute a series of combined tactical drills for neutralising of likely threats that may be encountered in UN peace keeping operations.
  • The scope of this exercise involves a Command Post Exercise (CPX) at the Battalion level and Company level Field Training Exercise (FTX) on sub-conventional operations.
  • During the exercise, participants will engage in variety of missions ranging from joint planning, joint tactical drills, basics of special arms skills, HADR and raiding a hostile target.


  • “Exercise KAZIND” will enhance the level of defence cooperation between Indian Army and Kazakhstan Army which will further foster the bilateral relations between the two nations.

March 2025