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PIB Summaries 15 April 2022


  1. Mahavir Jayanti
  2. Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition & Development) Act, 1957 [CBA Act]

Mahavir Jayanti

Focus: GS I- History

Why in News?

The Prime Minister has greeted people on Mahavir Jayanti, recalling the noble teachings of Bhagwan Mahavir, especially the emphasis on peace, compassion and brotherhood.

About Mahavir Jayanti

  • Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th and last Tirthankara who succeeded the 23rd Tirthankara, Parshvanatha, was born on Mahavir Jayanti, one of the most auspicious holidays in the Jain community.
  • Lord Mahavira was born on the 13th day of the bright half of the moon in the month of Chaitra, according to Jain traditions.
  • Mahavir Jayanti is commemorated on the Gregorian calendar in the months of March or April.
  • The lord’s sculptures are given a ceremonial bath called abhisheka while stavans, or Jain prayers, are recited.

Lord Mahavira:

  • In the year 540 BC, Mahavir was born in the Vajji kingdom, which is identical to modern-day Vaishali in Bihar, to King Siddhartha of Kundagrama and Queen Trishala, a Lichchhavi princess.
  • Mahavira belonged to the Ikshvaku dynasty, and historians think he was born in a place called Ahalya bhumi, where the soil has not been ploughed by the family that owns it for hundreds of years.
  • Vardhamana, which means “one who grows,” was Lord Mahavir’s given name.
  • Mahavira taught his pupils ahimsa (nonviolence), Satya (truth), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity), and aparigraha (non-attachment) and his teachings were known as Jain Agamas.
  • Because Mahavira and his followers employed Prakrit, ordinary people could understand their teachings.
  • The Mahavira is said to have died and obtained moksha (freedom from the cycle of birth and death) at the age of 72 in 468 BC in Pavapuri, near modern-day Rajgir in Bihar.

Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition & Development) Act, 1957 [CBA Act]

Focus: GS II- Government policies and Interventions

Why in News?

Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister has approved the policy for use of land acquired under the Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition & Development) Act, 1957 [CBA Act].

  •  The policy provides for utilisation of such land for the purpose of development and setting up of infrastructure relating to coal and energy.

About CBA Act

  • The CBA Act provides for acquisition of coal bearing lands and their vesting in Government company, free from any encumbrance. 
  • The land is acquired for Government Companies only for coal mining and operations that are strictly incidental to mining under the requirements of this Act.

Click Here To Read more: Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition & Development) Act, 1957 [CBA Act]


March 2025