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PIB Summaries 11 June 2022


  1. Central Information Commission achieved decline in pendency in disposal of RTI appeals
  2. The Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe)

Central Information Commission Achieved a Decline in Pendency in Disposal of RTI Appeals

Focus: GS-II: Polity and Governance (Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies)

Why in News?

  • The Central Information Commission has been achieving consistent decline in pendency with corresponding rise in disposal of the Right to Information (RTI) appeals. 
  • The pendency reduced from about 40,000 cases last year to around 27,000 cases at present, while the disposal of cases increased from 17017 in 2020-21 to 28901 in 2021-22.
  • A number of new initiatives were taken by the Government to improve the functioning of the Central Information Commission and to ensure prompt disposal of RTI appeals.
  • A 24 hours’ portal service was introduced for e-filing of the RTI applications during any part of the day or night and from any part of the country or abroad.
  • The e-initiatives taken by the Commission in furtherance of Government policy towards e-governance. Technology has been harnessed for developing mobile based applications, e-filing, e-hearing, e-notification etc., facilitating the task of information seekers in availing remedies under the law.

About Central Information Commission (CIC)

  • The Central Information Commission has been constituted with effect from 12-10-2005 under the Right to Information Act, 2005. Hence, CIC is a Statutory Body.
  • The jurisdiction of the Commission extends over all Central Public Authorities.
  • It was constituted to act upon complaints from those individuals who have not been able to submit information requests to a Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer due to either the officer not have been appointed, or because the respective Central Assistant Public Information Officer or State Assistant Public Information Officer refused to receive the application for information under the Right to Information Act.

Functions of CIC

  • Order enquiry into any matter on reasonable grounds only.
  • Secure compliance of its decisions from any public authority.
  • Receive and inquire into a complaint from any person:
    1. Who has not received any response to his request for information within a specified time.
    2. Who deems the information given to him/her incomplete, false or misleading, and any other matter related to securing the information.
    3. Who has been unable to submit a request for information due to the non-appointment of an officer.
    4. Who considers the fees so charged unreasonable.
    5. Who was refused the information requested.
  • The commission has the power to examine any record under the control of the public authority. All such records have to be given to the Commission during examination and nothing shall be withheld.
  • During inquiries, the CIC has the powers of a civil court, such as the powers to:
    1. Summon and enforce the attendance of persons, and compel them to give oral or written evidence on oath and produce documents or things
    2. Require the discovery and inspection of documents
    3. Receive evidence on affidavit
    4. Requisition public records or copies from any office or court
    5. Issue summons for the examination of documents or witnesses
    6. Any other matter that may be prescribed
  • The CIC also submits an annual report to the GOI on the implementations of the provisions of the Act. This report is then placed before both The Houses of Parliament.

The Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe)

Focus: GS-III: Science and Technology (Space Technology)

Why in News?

  • The Prime Minister inaugurated the Headquarters of the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe) in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • This will open the doors to immense possibilities in the Indian space sector, as well as make Indian space industry a huge contributor to our economy
  • It is envisioned the use of the space sector, space technology, space application and its use in welfare, and this program is a link it to that vision.

About Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center (IN-SPACe):

  • IN-SPACe is an independent nodal agency under Department of Space for allowing space activities and usage of DOS owned facilities by NGPEs as well as to prioritise the launch manifest.
  • Roles and Responsibilities:
    • IN-SPACe is to be established as a single window nodal agency, with its own cadre, which will permit and oversee the following activities of NGPEs.
    • Space activities including building of launch vehicles and satellites and providing space based services as per the definition of space activities.
    • Sharing of space infrastructure and premises under the control of ISRO with due considerations to on-going activities.
    • Establishment of temporary facilities within premises under ISRO control based on safety norms and feasibility assessment
    • Establishment of new space infrastructure and facilities, by NGPEs, in pursuance of space activities based on safety norms and other statutory guidelines and necessary clearances.
    • Initiation of launch campaign and launch, based on readiness of launch vehicle and spacecraft systems, ground and user segment.
    • Building, operation and control of spacecraft for registration as Indian Satellite by NGPEs and all the associated infrastructure for the same.
    • Usage of spacecraft data and rolling out of space based services and all the associated infrastructure for the same.

March 2025