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PIB Summaries 08 July 2023


  1. NeSDA portal
  2. Gita Press

NeSDA Portal

Focus: GS III: Government Policies and Interventions

Why in News?

Recently, secretary of Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances launched the third edition of the National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) portal.

NeSDA Portal:

  • The NeSDA (National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment) framework was launched in August 2018 to evaluate the effectiveness of e-Governance service delivery mechanisms.
  • The Department has released two editions of the NeSDA study: NeSDA 2019 and NeSDA 2021.
  • The framework is based on the Online Service Index (OSI) of the UN eGovernment Survey.
  • It covers six sectors: Finance, Labour & Employment, Education, Local Government & Utilities, Social Welfare (including Agriculture & Health), and Environment (including Fire) sectors.
Key Findings and Impact:
  • The NeSDA study has led to improvements in the country’s e-Governance landscape, resulting in the following key takeaways:
    • Increase in e-Service Delivery.
    • Rise in the use of Integrated/Centralized Portals for the delivery of e-Services.
    • Improvement across assessment parameter scores.
Biennial Assessment:
  • The Department conducts the NeSDA study every two years.
  • It assesses the effectiveness of e-Governance service delivery in States, Union Territories (UTs), and focus Central Ministries.
  • The study helps respective governments enhance the delivery of citizen-centric services and facilitates the sharing of best practices across the country.

Gita Press

Focus: Facts for Prelims

Why in News?

Prime Minister, while attending the closing ceremony of the centenary celebrations of the Gita Press in Gorakhpur, described the publishing house as “not less than any temple” adding the publisher is “guiding humanity” through its work.

Gita Press:

  • Gita Press was founded in 1923 by Jaya Dayal Goyanka and Ghanshyam Das Jalan, two Marwari businessmen.
  • Its main objective is to promote and disseminate the principles of Sanatana Dharma, the Hindu religion, among the general public.
  • The institution publishes religious texts such as Gita, Ramayana, Upanishads, Puranas, and discourses of eminent Saints.
  • It aims to promote the art of living as propounded in the Gita for peace, happiness, and the upliftment of mankind.
Unique Features:
  • Gita Press does not solicit donations or accept advertisements in its publications.
  • Any deficit is covered by the surplus from other departments of the society that provide services at a reasonable cost.
  • Since its establishment, Gita Press claims to have published over 910 million copies of 1,800 different religious and spiritual books and materials in 15 languages.
  • It has become a well-known name in the Hindi heartland, known for its affordable Hindu religious texts.
Adapting to the Digital Age:
  • Gita Press is embracing the Internet revolution and aiming for major expansion by making religious books and magazines available online, including Gita, Ramayana, discourses of eminent Hindu saints, Upanishads, Puranas, and more.
  • The Press intends to leverage technology to reach a wider audience, offering many publications for free online.

March 2025