- Sri Ramanujacharya
- PM SVANidhi
- Mission Vatsalya Scheme
Sri Ramanujacharya
Focus: GS I- History
Why in News?
Union Home and Cooperation Minister unveiled the Statue of Peace of Swami Ramanujacharya in Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir through video conferencing.
About Ramanuja (c. 1017 – 1137 CE)

- Ramanuja, reformer and Vaishnavite saint was born at Sriperumbudur near modern Chennai.
- He preached Vishista Advaitavada (qualified monism).
Click Here To Read More: Sri Ramanujacharya
Focus: GS II- International Relations
Why in News?
The 8th Meeting of BRICS Communications Ministers was held in virtual mode yesterday under the presidency of China.
What is BRICS?
- BRICS is the international grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
- This was set up as a move towards greater multipolarity; hence the spread across three continents and both hemispheres.
- In terms of GDP, China occupies the second position; India the fifth; Brazil the ninth; Russia the 11th; and South Africa the 35th.
- In terms of growth rates, China grew at 6%; India at 4.5%, Russia 1.7%, Brazil 1.2% and South Africa 0.1%.
- BRICS does not exist in form of organization, but it is an annual summit between the supreme leaders of five nations.
- The Chairmanship of the forum is rotated annually among the members, in accordance with the acronym B-R-I-C-S.
- The BRICS seeks to deepen, broaden and intensify cooperation within the grouping and among the individual countries for more sustainable, equitable and mutually beneficial development.
- BRICS takes into consideration each member’s growth, development and poverty objectives to ensure relations are built on the respective country’s economic strengths and to avoid competition where possible.
- BRICS is emerging as a new and promising political-diplomatic entity with diverse objectives, far beyond the original objective of reforming global financial institutions.
Mission Vatsalya Scheme
Focus: GS II- Welfare Schemes
Why in News?
Ministry of Women and Child Development issued Guidelines for Mission Vatsalya Scheme.
About Mission Vatsalya Scheme:
Nodal: Ministry of Women & Child Development
It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme .
- “Mission Vatsalya” erstwhile Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme, since 2009-10 for the welfare and rehabilitation of children.
- Mission Vatsalya is a roadmap to achieve development and child protection priorities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- It lays emphasis on child rights, advocacy and awareness along with strengthening of the juvenile justice care and protection system with the motto to ‘leave no child behind’.
- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 provisions and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 form the basic framework for implementation of the Mission.
Vision and Mission of the Scheme:
- To secure a healthy & happy childhood for each and every child in India, ensure opportunities to enable them to discover their full potential and assist them in flourishing in all respects, in a sustained manner.
- Mission Vatsalya promotes family based non-institutional care of children in difficult circumstances based on the principle of institutionalization of children as a measure of last resort.
The Mission aims to:
- Support and sustain Children in difficult circumstances;
- Develop context-based solutions for holistic development of children from varied backgrounds;
- Provide scope for encouraging innovative solutions;
- Cement convergent action.
Click Here To Read More: Mission Vatsalya Scheme