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PIB Summaries 03 October 2023


  1. Initiatives Launched in Pharma-MedTech Sector
  2. Intelligent Grievance Monitoring System (IGMS) 2.0

Initiatives Launched in Pharma-MedTech Sector


Recently, the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers has launched initiatives to nurture Innovation, research, and development in the Medical and Pharmaceutical sectors.These Initiatives are National Policy on Research and Development and Innovation in Pharma-MedTech Sector in India and Scheme for Promotion of Research and Innovation in Pharma MedTech Sector (PRIP).


GS II: Health

Dimensions of the Article;

  1. National Policy on Research and Development and Innovation in Pharma-MedTech Sector
  2. Scheme for Promotion of Research and Innovation in Pharma-MedTech Sector (PRIP)

National Policy on Research and Development and Innovation in Pharma-MedTech Sector:

  • Aim: To encourage R&D in pharmaceuticals, including traditional medicines, phytopharmaceuticals, and medical devices.
  • Potential Impact: It could increase the sector’s size to USD 120-130 billion over the next decade, contributing approximately 100 basis points to the GDP.
  • Objectives:
    • Create a regulatory environment that supports innovation and research in product development, beyond safety and quality.
    • Incentivize private and public investment in innovation through fiscal and non-fiscal measures.
    • Build an enabling ecosystem to support innovation and cross-sectoral research as the foundation for sustainable growth.

Scheme for Promotion of Research and Innovation in Pharma-MedTech Sector (PRIP):

  • Focus: Fostering innovation and transforming the MedTech sector into an innovation-driven powerhouse.
  • Emphasis: High-quality research and innovation, shifting the sector towards value and innovation-based approaches.
  • Components:
    • Component A: Strengthen research infrastructure by establishing 7 ‘Centres of Excellence’ at National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER).
    • Component B: Promote research in the pharmaceutical sector, encouraging research in six priority areas like New Chemical Entities, Complex generics (including biosimilars), medical devices, stem cell therapy, orphan drugs, and Anti-microbial resistance. Financial assistance will be provided to industries, MSMEs, SMEs, startups collaborating with government institutes for in-house and academic research.
  • These initiatives aim to drive innovation, research, and development in the Pharma-MedTech sector, positioning India as a global leader in healthcare innovation.

Intelligent Grievance Monitoring System (IGMS) 2.0


Recently, the union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology, MoS Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions launched the Intelligent Grievance Monitoring System (IGMS) 2.0


GS II: Polity and Governance

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Intelligent Grievance Monitoring System (IGMS) 2.0
  2. CPGRAMS (Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System)

Intelligent Grievance Monitoring System (IGMS) 2.0

  • IGMS 2.0 is a public grievance portal and Automated Analysis in Tree Dashboard portal implemented by IIT Kanpur for the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG). Here are the key details:
  • Objectives:
  • IGMS 2.0 serves as a Dashboard providing instant tabular analysis of grievances filed and disposed of.
  • It offers state-wise and district-wise data on grievances filed and ministry-wise data.
  • The system helps officials identify the root cause of grievances.
  • It supports the DARPG in creating draft letters for selected schemes or ministries, expediting the grievance redressal process by the concerned ministry or department.
  • IGMS 2.0 is equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities.

CPGRAMS (Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System):

  • CPGRAMS is an online platform available to citizens 24×7 for lodging grievances related to service delivery with public authorities.
  • It acts as a single portal connected to all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and States.
  • Each Ministry and State has role-based access to the system.
  • Citizens can access CPGRAMS through a standalone mobile application downloadable from the Google Play store and through a mobile application integrated with UMANG.
  • The system provides a unique registration ID to track the status of filed grievances.

March 2025