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PIB Summaries 03 June 2023


  1. Mission Vatsalya Scheme
  2. National Startup Awards 2023

Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Focus: GS II- Welfare Schemes

Why in News?

NIPCCD organized a Refresher Training Programme on Mission Vatsalya from 29- 31 May, 2023 at NIPCCD Regional Centre, Mohali.

About  Mission Vatsalya Scheme:

Nodal:  Ministry of Women & Child Development

  • It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme .
  • “Mission Vatsalya” erstwhile Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme, since 2009-10 for the welfare and rehabilitation of children. 
  • Mission Vatsalya is a roadmap to achieve development and child protection priorities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • It lays emphasis on child rights, advocacy and awareness along with strengthening of the juvenile justice care and protection system with the motto to ‘leave no child behind’.
  • The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 provisions and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 form the basic framework for implementation of the Mission.

Vision and Mission of the Scheme:


  • To secure a healthy & happy childhood for each and every child in India, ensure opportunities to enable them to discover their full potential and assist them in flourishing in all respects, in a sustained manner.
  • Mission Vatsalya promotes family based non-institutional care of children in difficult circumstances based on the principle of institutionalization of children as a measure of last resort.

The Mission aims to:

  • Support and sustain Children in difficult circumstances;
  • Develop context-based solutions for holistic development of children from varied backgrounds;
  • Provide scope for encouraging innovative solutions;
  • Cement convergent action.

Key objectives of Mission Vatsalya

  • Prioritisation of children in the scheme of Administration keeping Centrality of the Child during all the activities and actions taken under the Mission.
  • Best interest of the Child while designing or delivering projects and programmes and to take affirmative action to ensure right to grow in happy family environment with strong social safety net to support families.
  • Ensuring Children’s right to Survival, Development, Protection and Participation.
  • To establish essential services and strengthen emergency outreach, noninstitutional care within the family and community, and institutional care counselling and support services at the national, regional, state and district levels.
  • To ensure appropriate inter-sector response at all levels, coordinate and network with all allied systems to promote convergent efforts for seamless service delivery to children.
  • To strengthen child protection at family and community level, equip families and communities to identify risks and vulnerabilities affecting children, create and promote preventive measures to protect children from situations of vulnerability, risk and abuse.
  • Encourage private sector partnerships and interventions to support children within the framework of law.
  • Raise public awareness, educate public about child rights, vulnerabilities and measures for protection sponsored by government and engage community at all levels as stakeholder in ensuring the best interest of children.
  • To build capacities of duty holders & service providers at all levels.
  • Monitor progress on objective parameters against well-defined Outputs and Outcomes
  • Participation of Panchayats and Municipal Local Bodies at the village level and at the ward and the urban cluster level within the urban municipal ward, for sustained assessment of the issues deserving attention, implementation of appropriate interventions, regular monitoring to develop a robust social safety net for children.

About National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD):

  • The National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) is an autonomous organization based in New Delhi, India.
  • It operates under the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
  • To foster and encourage voluntary initiatives in the field of social development.
  • To adopt a comprehensive approach to child development and implement programs aligned with the National Policy for Children.
  • To facilitate coordination between government and voluntary organizations in social development.
  • To develop a framework and perspective for organizing children’s programs through collaborative efforts of government and voluntary sectors.

National Startup Awards 2023

Focus: Facts for Prelims

Why in News?

Recently, The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) said it has extended the deadline for submission of applications for the National Startup Awards 2023 to June 15, 2023.

About National Startup Awards 2023:

  • The National Startup Awards 2023 is an initiative aimed at celebrating innovation and entrepreneurship in India, in line with Vision India @2047.
  • The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has invited applications across 20 different categories, ranging from aerospace to retail and emerging technologies.
  • The primary objective of the awards is to recognize and reward exceptional startups and enablers in the ecosystem that have developed innovative products and made a measurable social impact.
  • Each category will have one winning startup that will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 10 lakh.
  • In addition to the cash prize, the winners and finalists will receive exclusive government support, including connections with investors and government agencies, mentorship, access to international markets, and opportunities to collaborate with corporates and unicorns.
  • The National Startup Awards were first launched in 2020 and continue to promote and encourage the growth of startups in India.

March 2025