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PIB – 27 October 2021


  5. KOKAN SHAKTI 2021



Focus: GS III- Indian Economy

Why in News?

Civil Aviation Minister virtually flags off first direct flight on Shillong-Dibrugarh route under UDAN.

About Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik (UDAN):

Nodal:  Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA)

  • It is an innovative scheme to develop the regional aviation market.
  • The objective of scheme is to create affordable yet economically viable and profitable flights on regional routes so that flying becomes affordable to the common man even in small towns.
  • The scheme envisages providing connectivity to un-served and underserved airports of the country through the revival of existing air-strips and airports. The scheme is operational for a period of 10 years.

UDAN 1.0

Under this phase, 5 airlines companies were awarded 128 flight routes to 70 airports (including 36 newly made operational airports)

UDAN 2.0

In 2018, the Ministry of Civil Aviation announced 73 underserved and unserved airports.

For the first time, helipads were also connected under phase 2 of UDAN scheme.

UDAN 3.0

Key Features of UDAN 3 included:

  • Inclusion of Tourism Routes under UDAN 3 in coordination with the Ministry of Tourism.
  • Inclusion of Seaplanes for connecting Water Aerodromes.
  • Bringing in a number of routes in the North-East Region under the ambit of UDAN.

UDAN 4.0:

  • The 4th round of UDAN was launched in December 2019 with a special focus on North-Eastern Regions, Hilly States, and Islands.
    • The airports that had already been developed by Airports Authority of India (AAI) are given higher priority for the award of VGF (Viability Gap Funding) under the Scheme.
    • Under UDAN 4, the operation of helicopter and seaplanes is also been incorporated.


Focus: GS II- International Relations

Why in News?

Union Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs  participated in the 6th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank via video conference from New Delhi .

  • This year’s Annual Meeting has been jointly organized by AIIB and the Government of United Arab Emirates on the theme of “Investing Today and Transforming Tomorrow”.

About Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

  • The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an international financial institution proposed by China. The purpose of the multilateral development bank is to provide finance to infrastructure projects in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • It is headquartered in Beijing and commenced operations in 2016.
  • By investing in sustainable infrastructure and other productive sectors today, it aims to connect people, services and markets that over time will impact the lives of billions and build a better future.
Membership of AIIB
  • Membership in the AIIB is open to all members of the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank and is divided into regional and non-regional members.
  • Regional members are those located within areas classified as Asia and Oceania by the United Nations.
  • The China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has officially approved 57 nations as prospective founding members, with Sweden, Israel, South Africa, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Portugal and Poland the latest to be included.
  • Countries accepted as AIIB founding members include China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Myanmar, the Philippines, Pakistan, Britain, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany and Spain.
  • Founding members have priority over nations that sign up later because they will have the right to set the rules for the bank.
  • As of May, 2020, the bank currently has 78 members as well as 24 prospective members from around the world.
Financial Capital of AIIB
  • The AIIB’s initial total capital is USD 100 billion divided into 1 million shares of 100 000 dollars each, with 20% paid-in and 80% callable.
  • Paid-Up Share Capital: It is the amount of money that has already been paid by investors in exchange for shares of stock.
  • Called-Up Share Capital: Some companies may issue shares to investors with the understanding they will be paid at a later date.
  • This allows for more flexible investment terms and may entice investors to contribute more share capital than if they had to provide funds up front.
  • China is the largest contributor to the Bank, contributing USD 50 billion, half of the initial subscribed capital.
  • India is the second-largest shareholder, contributing USD 8.4 billion.
  • Voting Rights:
  • China is the largest shareholder with 26.61 % voting shares in the bank followed by India (7.6%), Russia (6.01%) and Germany (4.2 %).
  • The regional members hold 75% of the total voting power in the Bank.


Focus: GS II- Inter Groupings

 Why in News?

The Government of India and the Asian Development Bank today signed a $4.5 million project readiness financing (PRF) loan to support project preparation and design activities to improve urban mobility in Aizawl, the capital city of the northeastern state of Mizoram.

About Asian Development Bank (ADB):

  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a regional development bank established on 19 December 1966 to promote social and economic development in Asia.
  • It is headquartered in the city of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines.
  • The ADB was modeled closely on the World Bank and an official United Nations Observer.
  • Japan holds the largest proportion of shares in ADB followed by the USA, and it has a weighted voting system where votes are distributed in proportion with members’ capital subscriptions (just like the World Bank).
  • The bank admits the members of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP, formerly the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East or ECAFE) and non-regional developed countries.
  • ADB defines itself as a social development organization that is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration.
  • ADB aids in reducing poverty through investments in the form of loans, grants and information sharing (in infrastructure, health care services, financial and public administration systems), helping nations prepare for the impact of climate change or better manage their natural resources, as well as other areas.


Focus: GS II- Government Policies and Welfare schemes

Why in News?

India’s Prime Minister launched “India’s largest scheme to scale-up health infrastructure” – the  Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission.

 About Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission:

  • PM Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission aims to produce robust outcomes in Public Health leapfrogging India to one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of management of Public Health outbreaks.
  • It is the largest pan-India scheme since 2005 for the creation and improvement of long-term public healthcare infrastructure.
  • It is meant to be implemented in each district of the country.
  • The government will spend Rs 64,180 crore on the scheme from the financial year 2021-22 to 2025-26.


First component:

  • The first component is to establish comprehensive surveillance of infectious diseases.
  • At the district level, Integrated Public Health laboratories in all 730 districts will be set up.
  • At the state level, five regional branches and 20 metropolitan units of the National Centre for Disease Control.
  • And at the national level, an Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) will be established.

Second component:

  • The second component is the creation of comprehensive diagnostics and treatment facilities.
  • At the district level, 17,788 new rural health and wellness centres will be set up; 11,024 new urban health and wellness centres will be set up; critical care hospital blocks will be established in each of 602 districts, with a population of more than 5 lakh.
  • At the state level, 15 health emergency operation centres will be set up.
  • At the national level, two container-based mobile hospitals will be set up; and critical care hospital blocks in 12 Government of India hospitals will be set up — which will also act as mentor institutions for training and capacity building.

Third component:

  • The third component of the mission will be on comprehensive pandemic research.
  • At the district level, strengthening of existing 80 viral diagnostics and research labs will be undertaken.
  • At the state level, 15 new bio-safety level III laboratories will be operationalised.
  • At the national level, four new regional national institutes for virology will be operationalized and a regional research platform (digital) for WHO southeast Asia Region will also be set up.


Focus: GS III- Defence

Why in News?

Recently, India and the UK started Konkan Shakti 2021, the first-ever tri-services joint exercise. It started off the west coast of India.

  • Aim: To derive mutual benefits from each other’s experiences and also showcase the continuing cooperation between the two countries.
  • It is also aimed at training troops in the conduct of Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief Operations by coalition forces in an opposed environment.
  • Other Joint Exercises between India and UK:
    • Navy: Konkan
    • Air Force: Indradhanush
    • Military: Ajeya Warrior
March 2025