Focus: GS I-Art and Culture
Why in news?
The Prime Minister has expressed grief over the demise of Kathakali maestro Guru Chemancheri Kunhiraman Nair.
About Guru Chemancheri Kunhiraman Nair:

- Guru Chemancheri Kunhiraman Nair is an Indian Kathakali actor.
- He has spent over eighty years learning and teaching and performing Kathakali, a major form of classical Indian dance
- The Government of India awarded him the fourth highest civilian honor, Padma Shri in 2017.

- Kathakali, is an art form of Kerala. It has been described as a true representation of the artistic traditions of India and one of the most magnificent theatres of the imagination.
- It originated in the state of Kerala and the Kathakali dancers perform a group presentation, in which they act upon various roles which are traditionally based on themes from sacred Hindu mythology, especially the two epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
- The most outstanding feature of Kathakali is its dramatic quality, even though the characters never speak.
- It is accompanied by musical compositions, involving dialogues, narration and continuity.
- The costume is the most distinctive characteristic of Kathakali. The makeup is very elaborate and the costumes are very large and heavy.
The 5 major roles or veshams are given below.
- Pacha (Green) – To portray noble characters like kings and divine beings
- Kathi (Knife) – To portray arrogant and evil characters.
- Kari (Black) – Used to portray evil characters.
- Thaadi (Beard) – There are 3 different types in this category.
- Minukku (Radiant) – To portray spiritual characters like sages.
Focus: GS-II Health, Regulatory bodies
Why in news?
NMPB has signed an MoU with major AYUSH and herbal industry bodies to promote medicinal plant cultivation
About National medicinal plants board:
Nodal: Ministry of AYUSH
- It was established by the Government of India in 24th November 2000.
- Its mandate is to promote the medicinal plant’s sector by developing a suitable mechanism which will support policies and programs for the cultivation and export of medicinal plants.
- The growing demand for medicinal plants is met by the NMBP’s focus on conservation and augmentation of local medicinal plants and spices of significance.
- The NMPB encourages research and development, capacity building through training and promotion of actives such as the creation of herbal gardens at the home and school levels.
- The board also supports programs for quality assurance, which institute a credible mechanism for the certification of quality raw drugs, seed and planting material.
The functions of the National Medicinal Plant Board:
- Advise concerned Ministries and State/ Union Territory Governments on policy matters relating to schemes and programs for the development of medicinal plants.
- Identification, Inventorisation and Quantification of medicinal plants.
- Promotion of co-operative efforts among collectors and growers and assisting them to store, transport and market their products effectively.
- Setting up of data-base system for incentivisation, dissemination of information and facilitating the prevention of Patents being obtained for medicinal use of plants which is in the public domain.
- Undertaking and awarding Scientific, Technological research and cost-effectiveness studies.
- Development of protocols for cultivation and quality control.
- Encouraging the protection of Intellectual Property Rights.
Focus: GS II – Health
Why in news?
Central Government is implementing Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM) through States/UTs for development and promotion of AYUSH systems of medicine including Ayurvedic system.
About NAM
Nodal: Ministry of AYUSH
- It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme implementing through States/UTs for development and promotion of AYUSH system of medicine including Homoeopathy.
- Under NAM, Grant-in-aid is being provided to State/UT Governments for development and promotion of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) as per their proposed State Annual Action Plans (SAAPs).
Salient features of NAM
- Co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health Centers (PHCs), Community Health Centers (CHCs), and Districts Hospitals (DHs).
- Up-gradation of exclusive State Government AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries.
- Setting up of up to 50 bedded integrated AYUSH Hospital.
- Upgradation of State Government Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Educational Institutions.
- Setting up of new State Government AYUSH Educational Institutions in the States where it is not available in Government Sector.
- Strengthening of State Government/State Government Co-operatives/PSUs for manufacturing of quality medicines in AYUSH Systems.
- Strengthening of State Drug Testing Laboratories
- Support for the cultivation of Medicinal Plant including processing and post-harvest management to ensure supply of quality raw material for AYUSH medicine and other products.
Focus: GS II- Health
Why in News?
Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Ministry of AYUSH decides to set up an AYUSH Export Promotion Council.
About Ayush Export Promotion Council
- The Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of AYUSH have decided to work together to set up an Export Promotion Council to boost AYUSH exports.
- It was also decided in the review that the entire AYUSH sector will work together to achieve price and quality competitiveness to boost AYUSH exports.
- The following are the action points that emerged from the meeting:
- The Ministry of AYUSH and Ministry of Commerce and Industry will work together for establishing an AYUSH Export Promotion Council (AEPC).
- The proposed AEPC can be housed at Ministry of AYUSH.
- The Standardization of HS code for AYUSH will be expedited.
- The Ministry of AYUSH will work in collaboration with Bureau of Indian standards to develop international standards for AYUSH products as well as services.
- The Ministry of AYUSH and AYUSH industry will identify best practices/ success stories and promote them amongst the public.
- The AYUSH industry will work on ensuring quality and standards of AYUSH products as well as to become price-competitive.
- The AYUSH will figure in the Brand India activities.
Nodal: Ministry of AYUSH
- The AYUSH is an acronym for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy and are the six Indian systems of medicine prevalent and practiced in India and some of the neighboring Asian countries with very few exceptions in some of the developed countries.
- This was felt in order to give increased attention to these systems in the presence of a strong counterpart in the form of allopathic system of medicine which lead to an “architectural correction” in the health service envisaged by National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).
- The NRHM came into play in 2005 but implemented at ground level in 2006 and introduced the concept of “mainstreaming of AYUSH and revitalization of local health traditions” to strengthen public health services.
- This concept helped in utilizing the untapped AYUSH workforce, therapeutics and the principles for the management of community health problems at different levels.
Focus: GS II-Art and Culture
The Scheme for Financial Assistance for Promotion of Art and Culture consists of 05 scheme components namely
(i) Repertory Grant;
(ii) Financial Assistance to Cultural Organizations with National Presence;
(iii) Cultural Function & Production Grant;
(iv) Financial Assistance for Preservation and Development of Cultural Heritage of the Himalayas;
(v) Financial Assistance for Development of Buddhist/Tibetan Arts and Culture.
Repertory Grant
- The objective of Repertory Grant Scheme Component is to provide financial support for all genres of performing arts activities like dramatic groups, theatre groups, music ensembles, children theatre etc. and imparting training of artists by their respective Guru on regular basis in line with Guru–Shishya Parampara.
Cultural organizations with National Presence
- The objective of this scheme component is to provide support for cultural activities at Large scale National / International level.
Cultural Function & Production Grant (CFPG)
- The objective of this scheme component is to provide financial support to NGOs/ Societies/ Trusts/ Universities etc. for Seminars, Conference, Research, Workshops, Festivals, Exhibitions, Symposia, Production of Dance, Drama-Theatre, Music etc.
Financial Assistance for the Preservation & Development of Cultural Heritage of the Himalayas
- The objective of this scheme component is to promote and preserve the cultural heritage of the Himalayas through research, training and dissemination through audio visual programmes. The financial support is provided to the organizations in the States falling under the Himalayan Region i.e. Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.
Financial Assistance for the Preservation & Development of Buddhist/Tibetan Organization
- Under this scheme component financial assistance is provided to the voluntary Buddhist/Tibetan organizations including Monasteries engaged in the propagation and scientific development of Buddhist/Tibetan Cultural and tradition and research in related fields.
Focus: GS II- Education
Impacting Research Innovation & Technology (IMPRINT):
- It is a pan IITs and IISc Joint Initiative seeking to develop a roadmap for research.
- This initiative aims at providing solutions to the most relevant engineering challenges and translating knowledge into viable technology in 10 selected technology domains, viz. Health care, energy, sustainable habitat, nano technology hardware, water resources and river systems, advanced materials, Information and communication technology, manufacturing, security and defense, and environmental science and climate change.
Research Park:
Research park at IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kanpur, IIT Chennai, have been established which provide an interface between entrepreneurship and Industry to establish their R&D units in collaboration with students & faculty members of the IITs.
UchhatarAvishkarYojana (UAY):
- This initiative promotes innovation of a higher order that directly impacts the needs of the Industry and thereby improves the competitive edge of Indian manufacturing.
- The project envisages collaboration between the academia and industry – within or outside India.
- In order to provide impetus to vocational education the allocation in 2021-22 for National Apprenticeship Training Scheme has been kept at Rs. 500 crore.
- Further, UGC has already issued guidelines for Apprenticeship/Internship Embedded Degree Program.
Focus: GS I- Physical Geography
Nodal: Ministry of Earth Sciences
- Government of India has also launched a ‘Deep Ocean Mission’ for exploration of polymetallic nodules in Central Indian Ocean Basin.
- Polymetallic nodules contain multiple metals like copper, nickel, cobalt, manganese, iron, lead, zinc, aluminum, silver, gold, and platinum etc. in variable constitutions and are precipitate of hot fluids from upwelling hot magma from the deep interior of the oceanic crust.
- It is a Central Sector Scheme and no separate allocation for States is envisaged.
- It is proposed to collaborate with non-governmental organizations for research collaboration for various components of Deep Ocean Mission.
The major objectives proposed under Deep Ocean Mission are as follows:
- Development of technologies for deep sea mining, underwater vehicles and underwater robotics;
- Development of ocean climate change advisory services;
- Technological innovations for exploration and conservation of deep sea biodiversity;
- Deep ocean survey and exploration;
- Proof of concept studies on energy and freshwater from the ocean; and
- Establishing advanced marine station for ocean biology