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The Delhi government will carry out ‘Operation SHIELD’ at 21 locations identified as containment zones in the capital, Delhi Chief Minister said on 9th April 2020.

What is Operation SHIELD?

  • S-Sealing of the immediate area after geographical marking, H-Home quarantine of all in the area, I-Isolation and tracing of people who have been first and second contacts, E-Essential supplies delivered at the doorstep, L-Local sanitisation and disinfection and D-Door-to-door checking, so that people having symptoms of the novel coronavirus infection are isolated, and testing can be done after taking samples.
  • The operation involves sealing, identifying and quarantining people, doorstep delivery of essential items and door-to-door checking of people.

Other Steps taken by Delhi Government

  • Need for wearing Masks – advised based on recent observations and news from across the world where authorities are advising everyone, and not just people infected with the coronavirus, to wear masks to protect themselves. Hence, Delhi Govt. Issued orders that everyone stepping out of their homes in Delhi should wear masks.
  • Government would take strict action against those misbehaving with healthcare professionals.
  • As no economic activities are taking place, tax collection has stopped. In view of this, we have decided that except for the expenses to contain the spread of the virus and provide free ration and food, no other expenses will be incurred by the government.
  • All government departments have been instructed to stop all expenses other than salaries. Any expenditure other than those for the virus containment and the lockdown will be incurred only with the permission of the Fi
March 2025