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Nature Restoration Law in the European Union


The Nature Restoration Law (NRL), which was enacted by the European Union (EU), is an inspiring model from which India can draw points to tackle its growing environmental crises.


GS III: Environment and Ecology

Nature Restoration Law (NRL) in the European Union

  • The Nature Restoration Law (NRL) is an initiative by the European Union to combat the pressing issues of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. This law represents a significant step as it is the first comprehensive, continent-wide legislation specifically focused on ecological restoration.
  • The NRL is a central component of the broader EU Biodiversity Strategy, which outlines binding targets for restoring ecosystems, particularly those that are crucial for carbon sequestration and mitigating natural disasters.
Key Provisions and Goals
  • The law mandates that Member States must restore at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030. This includes a diverse range of ecosystems such as terrestrial, coastal, freshwater, forest, agricultural, and urban areas.
  • By 2050, the ambition extends to include all ecosystems that require restoration across the EU.
  • Specific Initiatives:
    • Urban Green Spaces: Enhancing urban areas with more green spaces to improve air quality, biodiversity, and residents’ mental health.
    • River Restoration: Promoting free-flowing rivers by removing artificial barriers, which aids in restoring natural water systems and enhancing aquatic biodiversity.
    • Pollinators and Tree Planting: Aiming to increase pollinator populations crucial for agriculture and ecosystem health, and committing to planting 3 billion additional trees across the EU by the target date.
Implementation and Planning
  • Each Member State is required to draft detailed plans outlining their specific strategies to meet the NRL targets. These plans must ensure that restored areas are maintained and do not undergo significant deterioration.
  • Member States are also instructed to evaluate the socio-economic impacts and benefits of their restoration activities. This includes estimating the financial resources necessary for effective implementation.
Monitoring and Compliance
  • The European Commission will oversee the progress of Member States in meeting their restoration goals, ensuring adherence to the NRL and evaluating the effectiveness of the measures implemented.

-Source: Indian Express

October 2024