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National Monuments Authority

Focus: GS II- Polity and Governance

Why in News?

NMA  has recommended that  Sankalp Bhumi Banyan tree campus in Vadodara, where Dr. Ambedkar had taken a resolve to eradicate untouchability on 23th September, 1917 be declared as Monument of National Importance.

  • NMA has also recommended  a place  in Satara (Maharashtra) where B R Ambedkar received his primary education in Pratap Rao Bhosle High School to be declared as monument of National importance.

What is National Monuments Authority (NMA)?

  • National Monuments Authority (NMA) under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India has been setup as per provisions of The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains AMASR (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010 which was enacted in March, 2010.
  • Several functions have been assigned to the NMA for the protection and preservation of monuments and sites through management of the prohibited and regulated area around the centrally protected monuments.
  • One amongst these responsibilities of NMA is also to consider grant of permissions to applicants for construction related activity in the prohibited and regulated area.
  • These provisions underwent a change in 2010 following the Amendment to the AMASR Act.
  • The NMA and the Competent Authorities (CA) were setup and now all applications for construction related work in the prohibited and regulated area are to be submitted to the CA and then to NMA for consideration of the application.
A few important changes have been brought in by the 2010 Act. Some of these are:-
  • Statutory provision for the ‘prohibited’ and regulated areas.
  • Complete ban on construction in the prohibited area.
  • Providing statutory procedures for applications seeking permission for construction/repair/renovation.
  • The authority shall make necessary scrutiny of the Heritage bye laws and accord approval after inviting objections/suggestions from the public.
  • Grading and classification of monuments.

The Act provides for NMA to be constituted with a Chairperson and up to 5 Whole Time and 5 Part Time Members each and a Member Secretary. DG ASI is an ex officio Member.

What are Monuments of National Importance?

  • National ancient Monuments are defined under the Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act,1958.
  • The Act defines Ancient Monument as any structure or monument or any cave, rock sculpture, an inscription that is of historical, or archaeological interest.
  • The Central Government is authorised to maintain, protect and promote the monuments.

February 2025