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National Career Service Portal In India

Focus: Government Policies and Interventions

Why in News?

Around 35.7 lakh vacancies have been reported by employers on the National Career Service portal during the year 2022-23 compared to around 13 lakh vacancies in 2021- 22.

National Career Service Portal in India:

  • The National Career Service (NCS) is a mission-mode project launched in 2015 as part of the E-Governance Plan in India.
  • The portal’s objectives are to bridge the gap between job-seekers, employers, training providers, and career counselling agencies.
  • It aims to transform the National Employment Service by providing a host of career-related services, such as job matching, career counselling, vocational guidance, job notifications, and information on skill development courses and internships.

The NCS has the following focus areas:

  • Enhancing career and employment opportunities
  • Counselling and guidance for career development
  • Focusing on decent employment
  • Enhancing female labour force participation
  • Encouraging entrepreneurial endeavours

The project is being implemented by the Directorate General of Employment under the Ministry of Labour & Employment and serves as a nodal agency for the same.

March 2025