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National Bamboo Mission

Focus: GS III- Agriculture

Why in news?

The Union Agriculture Minister had approved the formation of an Advisory Group for streamlining the development of the Bamboo sector.

National Bamboo Mission

Nodal: Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC) under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

  • It is a centrally Sponsored scheme, to harness the potential of the bamboo crop.
The National Bamboo Mission was implemented with the following objectives:
  • Enhance the yields with improved and new varieties.
  • In the potential areas, increase the coverage area for bamboo.
  • Promotion and marketing of bamboo and handicrafts made of bamboo.
  • Establish coordination and cooperation among stakeholders for the development of the bamboo sector.
  • Promote, develop, and disseminate technologies through a perfect blend of modern scientific knowledge and traditional wisdom.
  • Generate employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled labourers, especially unemployed youths.
Restructured National Bamboo Mission (NBM):
  • The restructured National Bamboo Mission (NBM) was launched in 2018-19 for holistic development of the bamboo sector through a cluster-based approach in a hub (industry) and spoke model to harness the opportunities by providing backward and forward linkages among the stakeholders – linking farmers to markets.
  • There is a huge potential to place Indian bamboo products in the domestic as well as global markets with the latest technologies, modern processing and by generating awareness on compliance requirements for destination countries.
  • The Mission is streamlining its interventions to enhance domestic industrial activities as well as augmenting the farmer’s income with support from technical agencies and facilitative steps.
  • Direct subsidy of 50% is given to farmers at Rs 1.00 lakh per ha, 100% to Government agencies and also to entrepreneurs for setting up various product development units, etc.
  • The Mission is presently being executed by 21 States, including all the 9 States of NER through the respective State Bamboo Missions.
  •  NBM is also advising States to make available quality planting material to the farmers out to carry out plantations of commercially required species, set up common facility centres and other post-harvest units in complete sync with the requirement of existing and sunrise industries for a win-win situation for farmers and Indian bamboo industry.
  • Bamboo is part of rural livelihood in many countries and is also called poor man’s timber’.
  • Bamboo can be used food, a substitute for wood, building and construction material, for handicrafts and paper.
  • Though it grows tall like a tree, it belongs to the grass family. It can withstand drought as well as flood.
  • The North-Eastern States are a storehouse of bamboo diversity, home to more than 50 bamboo varieties.
  • Assam is the largest bamboo producing state in India.

March 2025