“Waking up to the news of the result, he was anxious and afraid. He quickly downloaded the result PDF and started searching for his name.
This was the most coveted PDF in the country and as the search results flashed “Mukul Beniwal”, all the sleepless nights and hard work had finally paid off.”

Mukul Beniwal secured AIR 460 in the UPSC Civil Services Examination 2021. Beniwal had his humble beginning from St. Josesph’s Academy, Dehradun where he completed his initial education up to Intermediate.
A bright student since the outset, he scored above 95% of marks in both of his Board Exams. Mukul’s parents are both working professionals. His mother is a Lawyer whereas his father is Personal Officer, Civil Court, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Originally Mukul belongs to the Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh.

From his school, Mukul went on to pursue his Bachelor of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in Electrical Engineering.
He worked for 2 years with Samsung Research Institute as Senior Software Engineer. Before he decided to take a deep dive into the ocean that UPSC Civil Services Exam is. He went on to choose philosophy as his Optional Subject.
Mukul has always been a humble but confident person. He was actively involved in various Extra-Curricular Activities at IIT Delhi and loves playing an Electric Guitar. He decided to join the LegacyIAS Academy Foundation Course for 2021 where he was a regular student to lay strong foundations for his dreams.
Under the able guidance of the experienced faculties of Legacy IAS Institute, he finally realized his endeavors. It’s been a journey filled with courage, hard work, determination and consistency and onwards it is going to be even more demanding.
LegacyIAS Academy wishes Mukul all the best for his bright future ahead as a Bureaucrat so that he can do what he has always aimed, that is, help the people of this country.
Read More: Click On Link To Check Legacy IAS Academy 2021 USPC Mains Result