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Focus: GS-III Agriculture

Why in news?

Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare virtually launched the Krishi Megh (National Agricultural Research & Education System -Cloud Infrastructure and Services) along with the KVC ALUNET (Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Chhatr Alumni Network) and Online Accreditation System for Higher Agricultural Educational Institutions (HEI).

Details and Highlights

  • The Government of India and World Bank funded the National Agricultural Higher Education Project.
  • The National Agricultural Higher Education Project is designed for strengthening the national agricultural education system in the country with the overall objective to provide more relevant and high-quality education to the agricultural university students that is in tune with the New Education Policy – 2020.
  • The need to save and preserve the important research-based data in a prompt digitized form to enable its access anywhere and enabling private investments in agriculture was highlighted.

Key Features of Krishi Megh

  • The existing Data Centre (ICAR-DC) built shall be strengthened with cloud computing infrastructure. This will cater to the services and infrastructure needs of Digital Agriculture of National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES).
  • Deployment of mission critical applications such as e-Office, ICAR-ERP, Education Portal, KVK Portal and mobile apps etc., will meet the growing IT needs of NARES by NARES-Cloud Infrastructure and Services with its constituents ICAR-DC and ICAR-Krish Megh.
  • Under NAHEP, the out-reach of existing ICAR Data Center is broadened to cover the Agriculture Universities.
  • This new Centre has latest AI/Deep learning software/tools kits for building and deploying of deep learning based applications such as disease and pest identification using image analysis, detection of maturity and ripening of fruits through image analysis, disease identification in livestock etc.
March 2025