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For Enquiry


Why in news?

An expert committee headed by former Chief Secretary K.M. Abraham has recommended a phased relaxation of the lockdown to contain COVID-19 for areas outside the seven hotspot districts in the State from April 15.

What the  Expert Committee said?

  • It should be borne in mind that the phased withdrawal is sustainable only if there is a steady recovery and decline in the number of cases leading to initial flattening of the infection curve and then gradual tapering of the curve to zero infection cases.
  • It has asked the government to advise the people that in the event of a resurgence, they should be ready and willing to undergo the rigours of a complete lockdown once again.
  • The committee has also come up with health-related and non-health-related objectives for the withdrawal strategy and steps for management of hotspots and vulnerable population.

3 Phase Restriction Explained:

Machine generated alternative text:
Restrictions during 3 phases 
workers, patients 
• No gathering of 
more than 
5 persons 
• No religious 
• Attendance at 
marriages, funerals 
to be 10 
markets, malls, 
cinemas, bars to 
remain closed 
Face mask 
compulsory for 
stepping out 
Ban on those above 65 
with history of comorbidity 
from stepping out 
Govt. offces, banks 
may reopen with 
50% attendance 
Identity card must, Odd-even 
travel purpose to 
be explained 
scheme for 
private vehicles 
No flights, 
Total clampdown on 
vehicle movement 
on Sunday 
No entry of any 
One person per 
house can go 
person from 
outside for 3 hours outside the State 
facilities may 
be opened 
Domestic flights for 
essential passengers, 
doctors, health 
Autos, taxis may be allowed, but only 
one and three passengers respectively 
Bus travel for 
Activities under 
short distance 
MGNREGS, micro, 
within city or town 
small and medium 
with one person per seat enterprises begin 
bus transport 
with two- 
thirds capacity 
IT companies 
to open 
Bevco may start 
online sale of liquor 
Entry into the 
No religious 
State, should 
large marriages, undergo 
political meetings, 14-day 
Attendance at 
marriages and 
funerals to be 20 
Workers at worksite 20 
or 25% of staff strength, 
People may be permitted to walk for 
30 minutes before 7.30 a.m. 
Universities, schools, colleges open for exams

Phase I relaxation

  • For qualifying for Phase 1 relaxation, there has to be not more than one new case in the district for the entire week prior to the date of review on April 14.
  • No increase more than 10% of the number of persons under home surveillance in the district and no hotspots of COVID-19 anywhere in the district as identified by the Health Department are the other criteria fixed.

Criteria for Phase II

  • A district will qualify for Phase II relaxation at the time of second review only if there is no more than one new case for the entire fortnight prior to the date of review.
  • Not more than a 5% increase in the number of persons under home surveillance from the date of the previous review and no infection hotspots are the additional criteria.

Phase III relaxation

  • A district will qualify for Phase III relaxation only if there is no new case of infection in that district for the fortnight prior to the date of review.
  • In addition, a decrease of more than 5% of the number of persons under home surveillance in the district from the date of the previous review and no hotspots anywhere in the district are needed.
March 2025