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United States to Rejoin UNESCO

Context: UN cultural and scientific agency UNESCO announced that the United States plans to rejoin — and pay more than $600 million in back dues. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: Why did the US Decide to Rejoin UNESCO? Background on US Departure from UNESCO: Reasons for US Departure: About UNESCO Objectives […]

Global Slavery Index 2023

Context: According to the recently published ‘Global Slavery Index 2023’ by the Walk Free Foundation, there has been a significant rise in the global prevalence of modern slavery. The report reveals that the number of individuals living in these exploitative conditions has reached 50 million, marking a concerning increase of 25% over the past five years. […]

A Soft Power Tool: Buddhism

Context: Relevance:  GS Paper 2: Intrernatinal relations-Soft Diplomacy Mains Question Analyse the importance of Buddhist tourism in India and its potential to strengthen the soft power of the nation. Talk about the steps that can be taken to advance and publicise the Buddhist Circuit Project. (250 Words) What is diplomatic soft power? Utilization of Buddha […]

About Kakhovka Dam

Context: Floodwaters were released throughout the conflict area after a massive Soviet-era dam – Kakhovka Dam – on the Dnipro River that separates Russian and Ukrainian forces in southern Ukraine was breached. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: The Kakhovka Dam What Happened to the Kakhovka Dam? Impact of the Dam Collapse: […]

Draft Pandemic Treaty

Context: The Draft Pandemic treaty also know as “Zero Draft”, is currently under negotiation by Member States at the World Health Assembly. However, there is growing concern that the provisions addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are at risk of being removed from the final text. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: Draft Pandemic […]

Kosovo-Serbia Conflict

Context: Serbian protesters and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) peacekeepers recently clashed in Kosovo, leading to more than 60 injuries. It is the most serious violence seen in the region in over a decade. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: What factors are contributing to the current tension? Kosovo-Serbia Conflict: Serbia and […]

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Context: Saudi Arabia will soon pledge new voluntary production cuts as part of a broader OPEC+ deal to curb output. Relevance: GS II- International Relations Dimensions of the Article: About Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) What is OPEC+? What are their goals? -Source: Indian Express

Duty-Free Quota-Free (DFQF) scheme

Context: According to a report by the least developed countries Group at the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Duty-free quota-free (DFQF) scheme remains unutilized by the LDC nations. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: About the Duty-free quota-free (DFQF) scheme: World Trade Organization (WTO) Functions of WTO -Source: The Hindu

About The Suez Canal

Context: Recently, a tanker transporting crude oil broke down in a single-lane part of Egypt’s Suez Canal, briefly disrupting traffic in the global waterway. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: Suez Canal Geographical Location: History: Importance: International Trade: Energy Security: Egypt’s Economy: India’s Trade and Energy Security: -Source: The Hindu

Global Slavery Index 2023

Context: According to the recently published ‘Global Slavery Index 2023’ by the Walk Free Foundation, there has been a significant rise in the global prevalence of modern slavery. The report reveals that the number of individuals living in these exploitative conditions has reached 50 million, marking a concerning increase of 25% over the past five years. Relevance: GS […]