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Indira Gandhi Peace Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2014 was given to which of the following?

Indira Gandhi Peace Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2014 was given to which of the following?(2015)

a) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

b) Indian Institute of Science

c) Indian Space Research Organization

d) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

ANswer: C

The Indira Gandhi Prize or the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize or the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development is the prestigious award accorded annually by India to individuals or organizations in recognition of creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom.

The prize carries a cash award of 2.5 million Indian rupees and a citation. The recipients are chosen from a pool of national and international nominees.

Angel Merkel (2013) and ISRO (2014) were the recipients of the award.

March 2025