A new study found that India’s largest species of bats, Indian Flying Fox bat spends 7% of its day-roosting time being environmentally vigilant.

GS III: Environment and Ecology
About Indian Flying Fox Bat
The Indian Flying Fox Bat is a notable species of flying fox native to the Indian subcontinent. Here are key features about this fascinating bat:
- Size and Appearance: The Indian Flying Fox is one of the world’s largest bats. It is recognizable by its reddish-brown coat, large eyes, and a characteristically long snout that gives it a fox-like appearance with wings.
- Diet and Habitat: This bat species primarily feeds on nectar, fruits, and flowers, with occasional inclusion of insects. Its frugivorous diet contributes to seed dispersal of various plants in tropical ecosystems.
- Distribution: The Indian Flying Fox is endemic to South Central Asia, ranging from Pakistan and China to the Maldives Islands.
- Social Structure: These bats are highly social creatures that form large roosts consisting of several hundred individuals. They follow a vertical hierarchy system, where higher-ranked bats occupy higher spots in trees, while lower-ranked ones take lower spots.
- Threats and Challenges: Being external roosters, the flying foxes are exposed to potential predators and disturbances. Environmental factors such as heat and light can also impact their well-being.
- Conservation Status: As assessed by the IUCN, the Indian Flying Fox is classified as of “Least Concern,” indicating that it is not currently facing a high risk of extinction. Additionally, under the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 in India, this species is listed in Schedule II, offering legal protection.
-Source: The Hindu