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Key Findings from Past Census (20th Census Trends)

Context & Importance Relevance : GS 3 ( Economy, Agriculture, and Rural Development ) Key Findings from Past Census (20th Census Trends) Enumeration Process Challenges Faced by Farmers Women in Livestock Farming Emerging Trends & Policy Implications Way Forward

RBI Moves to Ease Liquidity Crunch

Overview Relevance : GS 3(Banking , Economy) Key Measures Announced Government Bond Purchases: 56-Day Variable Rate Repo Auction: USD/INR Swap Auction: Context of the Measures Expected Outcomes

The Impacts of Rupee Weakening

Nature of the Devaluation: Relevance : GS 3(Economy ) Exchange Rate Policies: Implications of Depreciation: Structural Challenges: Policy Dilemmas: Reflection: The Indian economy faces a dual challenge: managing inflationary pressures due to rupee depreciation while ensuring that real exchange rate movements do not hinder export recovery. A well-communicated and adaptive exchange rate policy will be crucial to navigating […]

Inflation Eases to 4-Month Low of 5.22

Context : Inflation Trends Relevance : GS 3(Economy ) Sector-Specific Inflation: RBI’s Response and Outlook: Factors Influencing Inflation: Future Outlook: Expert Opinions:

Decoding India’s growth slowdown

GDP Growth Slump: Relevance: GS 3(Economic Development) Data Discrepancies: Private Investment Issues: Sectoral Slowdown: Fiscal Strain: Recommendation for Revenue Mobilization: Conclusion:

The Centre’s share in States’ revenue has surged in the last decade

Findings: Relevance : GS 3(Economic Development) .  Decline in States’ Own Revenue:  Dependency on Centre:  Inefficiency in Tax Collection:  Implications: Conclusion:The increasing reliance on Central transfers and declining own revenue sources point to a structural issue in state finance management. States need to enhance their tax collection capabilities to reduce dependency on the Centre and improve fiscal autonomy. Effective tax reform, especially […]

GDP growth projected to fall to four-year low at 6.4%

Context : GDP Growth Projections: India’s GDP is expected to grow at 6.4% in FY 2024-25, the lowest in four years, down from 8.2% in FY 2023-24 (National Statistics Office’s advance estimates). Relevance : GS 3(Economic Development ) Economic Recovery: The economy grew by 6% in the first half of the current financial year, with a projected 6.8% […]