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Globalization has increased urban migration by skilled, young, unmarried women from various classes. How has this trend impacted upon their personal freedom and relationship with family? (Answer in 250 words)


  • Globalization has opened up new opportunities for skilled, young, unmarried women, leading to increased urban migration across various social classes. This trend has significantly impacted their personal freedom and relationship with family, leading to shifts in traditional societal norms.


Impact on Personal Freedom:

  • Increased Autonomy: Moving to cities for education and employment offers women greater financial independence and personal decision-making power. They can pursue careers, travel, and engage in social activities without constant familial oversight.
  • Broadened Horizons: Urban life exposes women to diverse cultures, ideas, and lifestyles, allowing them to question and sometimes challenge traditional gender roles. This fosters a stronger sense of individual identity and self-expression.
  • Challenges of Urban Life: While migration offers freedom, it also comes with challenges like safety concerns, isolation, and pressure to balance professional and personal responsibilities.

Impact on Family Relationships:

  • Changing Family Dynamics: The move away from the traditional family structure often leads to strained relationships as families may struggle to accept women’s increased independence. This is particularly true in conservative settings where women’s autonomy is still questioned.
  • Negotiating Tradition and Modernity: While some families are supportive of their daughters’ new roles, others may impose cultural expectations of marriage and caregiving, leading to intergenerational conflicts.
  • Shift in Gender Roles: Migration may inspire younger women to redefine their roles within the family, encouraging other female relatives to seek education and employment.


  • Globalization and urban migration have provided skilled young women with greater personal freedom, but it has also led to evolving, sometimes challenging, dynamics in family relationships. The trend reflects the ongoing tension between tradition and modernity in India’s socio-cultural fabric.

March 2025