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How And When Is The Christmas Celebrated Around The World?

How Was Christmas Started

  • Christmas is a holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, who is believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the savior of the world.

    The exact date of Jesus’ birth is not recorded in the Bible, but the holiday of Christmas is traditionally celebrated on December 25th in many parts of the world.
  • The origins of Christmas can be traced back to ancient Roman times, when the winter solstice was marked with a festival called Saturnalia in honor of the agricultural god Saturn.

    The early Christian church in Rome incorporated some elements of Saturnalia into their own celebrations, and Christmas eventually became a Christian holiday.
  • Over time, Christmas has evolved and been celebrated in different ways by different cultures. In many parts of the world, Christmas is marked with the exchange of gifts, the decoration of trees, and the singing of carols. In some countries, traditional Christmas meals and customs also play a significant role in the celebration of the holiday.

Is Christmas Celebrated On Different Days?

Christmas is traditionally celebrated on December 25th in many parts of the world, but the holiday is observed on different days in some countries and regions. Here are a few examples:

  • Eastern Orthodox Christians: Many Eastern Orthodox Christians follow the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar used by most of the Western world. As a result, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th in countries such as Russia, Greece, and Egypt.
  • Armenian Christians: Armenian Christians also follow the Julian calendar, and Christmas is celebrated on January 6th in Armenia and other countries with large Armenian populations.
  • Coptic Christians: Coptic Christians, who are the largest Christian community in Egypt, follow the Coptic calendar, which is based on the Julian calendar but has a slightly different system for determining the date of Easter. As a result, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th for Coptic Christians.
  • Ethiopian Christians: Ethiopian Christians follow the Ethiopian calendar, which is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar and is roughly seven years behind the Gregorian calendar. As a result, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th in Ethiopia and other countries with large Ethiopian populations.
  • Other countries: In some countries, Christmas is not a national holiday, and it is not widely celebrated. In these countries, Christmas may not be observed on December 25th at all, or it may be celebrated as a secular holiday without the religious elements of the holiday.

10 Lesser Known Facts About Christmas

  1. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree originated in Germany in the 16th century.
  2. The custom of exchanging gifts at Christmas dates back to ancient Rome, where people exchanged small tokens of affection during the winter solstice.
  3. The first recorded Christmas celebration in North America was held in 1539 in what the state of Florida is now.
  4. The song “Jingle Bells” was originally written for Thanksgiving, not Christmas.
  5. The story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was created as a marketing campaign for Montgomery Ward department store in 1939.
  6. The phrase “Merry Christmas” was first used in the 16th century, but it was not widely used until the 19th century.
  7. The traditional Christmas colors of red and green are thought to represent the blood of Jesus and the eternal life offered through him.
  8. The three wise men, or magi, who brought gifts to the baby Jesus were not actually present at the time of his birth, according to the biblical account.
  9. The Christmas pickle is a German tradition in which a pickle-shaped ornament is hidden on the Christmas tree, and the first child to find it gets an extra gift.
  10. In Sweden, it is traditional to eat rice pudding on Christmas Eve, and to hide a whole almond in the pudding. The person who finds the almond in their serving is said to have good luck for the coming year.

March 2025