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Green Fins Hub


The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) has launched the Green Fins Hub, a global digital platform to give sustainable marine tourism a ‘major boost’.


GS III: Environment and Ecology

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Green Fins Hub
  2. Membership of Green Fins Hub

Green Fins Hub

  • The Green Fins Global Hub will be a first-of-its-kind online support system to motivate scuba operators to improve their daily environmental practices at scale.
  • It aims to help diving and snorkeling operators worldwide to make simple, cost-efficient changes to their daily practices by utilizing tried and tested solutions.
  • It would also help them keep track of their annual improvements and communicate with their communities and customers.

Membership of Green Fins Hub

  • It will host two types of membership. One would be digital membership available for diving, snorkelling and liveaboard operations globally.
  • Throughout every year of membership, operators will receive environmental scores based on a detailed online self-evaluation and progress made on their action plans.
  • The Certified Members will continue to be assessed annually and trained in person at their operation.
  • The platform will be for operators around the world to raise industry needs, discuss environmental issues and share lessons and ideas with like-minded industry leaders, non-profits and governments.

-Source: Down to earth


March 2025