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Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 08 November 2022

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 08 November 2022


  1. Rocket debris and risks associated
  2. Semiconductor and petroleum industries: Similarities

Rocket Debris and Risks Associated


Recently, large fragments of China’s Long March 5B rocket fell into the south-central Pacific Ocean uncontrollably. The US Space Command confirmed this. The fragments were from the rocket that delivered the Tiangong space station’s third and final module.


GS Paper 3: Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.

Mains Question

What do you mean by space debris? Discuss some of the technologies that could be used to solve the problem in the future. (250 words)

Click Here To Read More: Rocket Debris and Risks Associated

Similarities Between Semiconductor and Petroleum Industries


  • The article sheds light on the similarities between the petroleum and semiconductor industries, as well as the lessons that must be drawn for India to manufacture chips domestically.
  • India has recently begun a journey to develop domestic chip fabrication facilities.
  • Given the similarities involved with electronics, it can draw useful lessons from her ‘failed’ experience in the petroleum sector.


GS Paper 3: Industries and Indian economy

Mains Question

If India makes natural gas the “next stop” on its energy journey, it will have a better chance of arriving at the goal of a predominantly clean system. Discuss. (250 Words)

Click Here To Read More: Similarities Between Semiconductor and Petroleum Industries

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