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Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 02 December 2024

Contents : First Step Relevance: GS 2 (International Relations ) Practice Question: Evaluate impacts of Israel-Lebanon Ceasefire on west Asia and also discuss U.S role in maintaining the peace and stability in the region. (250 Words) Research Security Should Be A National Priority Relevance : GS 3(Technology , Research ) Practice Question: Explain the role […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 30 November 2024

Content: ONOS Bitten Relevance : GS 2(Governance ) Practice Question: Discuss how One Nation, One Subscription can boost the research ecosystem in India. Suggest key measures to make the research field more inclusive. (250 Words ) Present research accessing model ONOS and Benefits Limitations of ONOS Missed Opportunities Financial and Policy Concerns Evolving Research Trends […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 29 November 2024

Content : Armed Insurrection to Parliamentary Politics Relevance: GS 2 (Indian Polity ), GS 3 (Internal Security ) Practice Question: Explain why there is an ideological shift among many left-wing insurgent groups from armed revolution to democracy. Explain its potential implications. (250 Words ) Context: Case Studies Conclusion: The ideological shift from a violent armed […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 28 November 2024

Contents: Ban this carcinogenic ‘heart-burn’ drug Relevance : GS 2 (Health , Governance ) Practice Question: Discuss the regulatory challenges in India regarding drug safety, with reference to the Ranitidine carcinogenic drug.How to ensure better drug safety (250 Words ) GSK’s $2.2 Billion Settlement  Findings by Valisure  Global Regulatory Response India’s Inaction Key Concerns Regulatory […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 27 November 2024

Content: From a Republic to a Republic of Unequals Relevance :GS 2 (Indian Polity ) Practice Question :Explain economic inequality crisis in india . Suggest key measure to address the issue .(250 Words ) Significance of Constitution Day Liberty and State’s role : Egalitarian Vision of the Constitution Inspired by John Rawls’ egalitarian liberalism, emphasising: […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 26 November 2024

Contents: Feminist Ideology in India’s Constitutional Discourse Relevance: GS 2(Indian Polity ) Practice Question:Discuss the role of the Uniform civil code in ensuring gender equality. Suggest key measures for its implementation. (250 Words) Feminist Influence in the Constituent Assembly: Challenges : Intersectional Alliances: Social Reforms: Uniform Civil Code (UCC): Post-Independence Gender Equality: The Continuing Struggle […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 25 November 2024

Contents: India’s Urban Infrastructure Financing, Needs and Reality Relevance : GS 1 (Society ), GS 2 (Social Justice ) Practice question :What are the major financial challenges faced by India’s urban infrastructure development? Suggest key measures to address these challenges. (250 words ) Context: Urban Population Growth Financial Requirements Issues at the Local Level Municipal […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 23 November 2024

Content : Understanding the Changing Face of Extremist Violence Relevance: GS 3 (Internal Security ) Practice Question: Explain the growing internal security challenges amid the Russia-Ukraine war. Suggest key measures to counter militancy tendencies. (250 words) Context: Three years of the Russia-Ukraine war have overshadowed other kinds of violence, especially by extremist groups. RAND STUDY: […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 22 November 2024

Content : India Needs an Environmental Health Regulatory Agency Relevance: GS 3 ( Environment ) Practice question: Discuss the pros and cons of establishing an Environmental Health Regulatory Agency (EHRA) in India. (150 Words) Urgency of Integration Proposed Solution: Establishing EHRA Advantages : Disadvantages : Conclusion A Bilateral Investment Treaty With A ‘Bit’ of Change […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 21 November 2024

Content : Turning Tide Relevance: GS 3 (Economy ) Practice Question : Discuss factors responsible for higher exports and lower imports. Examine the challenges and suggest some key measures. (250 words) Petroleum Sector Issues Overall Trade Balance Global Trade Context Key Takeaways for India Grind Along Relevance : GS 2( Polity ), GS 4 (Ethics […]